Friday, March 2, 2012


UPDATE!  MONICA LEWINSKY!  VANITY FAIR - MONICA LEWINSKY In the AGE OF ME TOO!   Well written and thought provoking!

Monica Lewinsky and President Bill Clinton : Monica is called a "mistress" often (it's all over the net) because she had an affair with President William Jefferson Clinton, but I'm here to tell you she was NOT a MISTRESS.

No, she was one of Bill's affairs, that's all, though she was a mistress wannabe or a wife wannabe or well, what exactly did Monica want?

She went with her heart. Her heart went for Bill.

Monica Lewinsky? Mistress potential? Not exactly zilch. Beautiful. (Yes she is!) Educated. (Very!) Well spoken. (All that pressure in court.) High IQ. (Smart if not sensible.) High self esteem. (Did have. Now? The reports are not good.)

Monica began her affair with Bill in 1995 when she was hired as an intern at the White House. How many people get to intern there? Few.

She called it sex - 9 times. She was obsessed with him. (Everyone I know who has met him says he has charm and charisma to spare to this day! Seems the only person who hasn't had him charm their pants off is his wife, Hillary. No I didn't vote for her.) Monica was young and ambitious and turned on by power and him.

I don't know if she thought of it this way or not, but she was also competitive. She could not imagine she would have much to loose and it's that innocence that got her in trouble and her innocence that turned him on.

Caught, he said he did not have sex - not if you don't count oral - with that woman. Well, at least he didn't call her a "girl".

A betrayal.

He was saving his butt and the hell with her.

Frankly I don't blame Bill for trying to hide his personal sexual encounters and terms and conditions of his marriage from the world because I think even public figures should have some privacy. (If every CEO in America was held to the same standards the papers would be full of their exploits but they arn't anymore than stars of stage and screen.) Except that his enemies say this, his affair, interfered in the way he conducted business, the business of running the United States of America.

While being turned on by power is a positive for Monica, and she has since this scandal, posed for Vanity Fair Magazine and graduated from THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, after trying her talents in the New York fashion business, one of the reasons Monica Lewinsky does not have great mistress potential is that she could not keep her relationship a secret and didn't know who to trust. It was too much for her to do so and she told her so called friend and co-worker (a double wammy) Linda Tripp. Monica misjudged the depth of that friendship and Linda turned into the worlds worst friend, secretly taping conversations (entrapment). Well, the rest is history.

To consider her situation more closely, we have to think of HILLARY CLINTON, now Secretary of State, who decided to forgive her husband after playing the Black Madonna for a while. Bill and Hillary are a Power Couple, two people devoted to furthering each other's careers. No doubt Hillary Clinton decided what was important for her career was to stay married. I don't believe for a moment that she doesn't know she married a Womanizer. That's the situation Monica would have had to face no matter how much longer their affair might have gone on.

Instead Monica faced being judged on the world stage. Comedians like David Letterman made fun of her. You would think she was the first woman who ever had an affair with a married man. Monica became infamous and has been challenged by her reputation ever since. The first woman who gave oral sex.

IT'S TIME TO BACK OFF ON MONICA LEWINSKY! No young woman has paid a higher price for a whirl in 20th century history.

Bill and Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of themselves for allowing Monica to go on trial while they keep going to the Big Offices! Here is something mistresses know too: Bill is not the kind of man who keeps a woman, unless it's totally to his advantage.

C 2011 Mistress Manifesto / Missy Rapport All Rights Reserved Including Internet and International Rights

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