Tuesday, October 25, 2011


STEPHANIA SOLOMONE decided to start a web site to give support. She's in contact with about 50 or more women who are involved emotionally and/or sexually with priests.

“This is something that happens quite often,” said Stefania Salomone, a 42-year-old office manager from Rome. “Most of them are not ready to give up their life as priests for a woman. They want to have it both ways.”

"Some of the relationships are not even sexual ones. Salomone's priest never went beyond hugging her, she said, and when he finally admitted that there was something “real” between the two of them, he said it was over.

After this and another similar experience, she started a website (link above!) for women who are in relationships with priests and is now in contact with about 50 other women.

“There is never a happy ending,” she said. Priests cannot stand to give up being “sacred ministers,” “God's intermediaries,” for the sake of the daily routine of married life."

Source of this quotation is : a blog in English.

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