Monday, October 3, 2011


Should Catholic priests be allowed to marry? And is it time for the Pope to allow this because at least 40 mistresses of priests in Italy wrote to the Pope last spring telling him so?

I learned about one of the 40 who allowed herself to be photographed, named Stephania Solomone. Although I think this group of mistresses are the type who want to be married, and many mistresses do not want to be, what I see is that these women have managed, also like many mistresses, to find themselves men who are absolutely unavailable for marriage because of the vow they took when they became priests! These frustrated women are not taking on a wife but an entire Church that has endured for hundreds of years.

By my way of thinking, the priests who have mistresses should be relieved of their vows and their priesthood (but not their Catholicism), and go ahead and marry these women. These men knew what the terms and conditions of priesthood would be and now they cannot, if actions speak louder than words, keep to those vows. So they can make another vow - to be married - and never divorce.

I know this subject of priests being able to marry, seems to be all about celibacy or self restraint - about sex - but sex is only part of the story. Love for someone that becomes carnal is another. Many mistresses do not have sex or no longer have sex. And if it becomes so that priests may marry, why would we think that they will wait until marriage to marry or not have many affairs themselves?

C Mistress Manifesto blog /Missy Rapport 2011 All Rights Reserved including International and Internet rights

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