Wednesday, July 20, 2011



..."Frank was a confirmed bachelor and a master of seduction. He had well-rehearsed lines and knew exactly what to say and do to score sexual points. Phrases like 'You're so beautiful you should be a model' and 'I've never met a woman like you before' may be cliches, but Frank was so gorgeous and charming that most women were ready to believe his little deceits. And according to studies, Frank has plenty of company in this 'no strings, no commitment' mating strategy. They showed that deception serves an important part of men's mating strategy for short-term partners. And researchers found that three out of four men said they were willing to lie or "modify the truth" to persuade women to have sex with them. They found that the things dating men lie about are similar around the world. Men exaggerate their wealth, status, and business and social connections. Frank frequently exaggerated his income and financial prospects and rarely missed a chance at name dropping.

"Now that Nicole...heard Frank bragging about his latest conquests...she was so put off by his maneuvering that she tried to warn his newest girlfriend, Stacey. But it was no use. Stacey's brain and body had already fallen under Frank's seductive spell. What she didn't know was that each time she and Frank had sex, she was falling a little more in love - the Oxytocin released during her orgasm was binding her body and brain closer to Frank. But it was working the other way around for him. He was starting to get bored. The more Stacey tried to pin him down to future plans, the more he squirmed. he felt it was time to move on. No cage of domesticity for him...'

"To be sure, both men and women try to manipulate the mating game. But when it comes to using verbal deception, researchers have found that men are biologically more comfortable with it than women.'

MISSY says:

THE PROBLEM WITH BIOLOGY IS DESTINY BOOKS is that they make human beings, male and female, as simple as their gender. This author took no time to discuss male homosexuality and I suspect that if she were to examine that culture, even in context to biological theories or evidence, she might find many exceptions to the rule.

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