Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Like you I was somewhat stunned to hear that the marriage of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger is over, because it has been revealed that about 14 years ago he fathered a child with an employee who retired a few months ago after 20 years of service, billed as housekeeper and assistant and mistress, Mildred Patricia "Patty" Baena.

By this morning reports were that she seduced him or that they had unprotected sex in the house or that she did not tell him he was the father until the child was a toddler or that she had fled the four bedroom house he had bought her or that he had been very generous or that he left office, she retired on good terms, and when he told his wife (Maria) in January she immediately took their four children and fled the marriage. It is said that Patty put her husband's name on the birth certificate and filed for a separation after the birth, but didn't get around to starting divorce proceedings until 2008.

Other women are also coming forth that they had affairs with Arnold. Is it true that Maria was always hearing rumors but did not believe any of it until this? Kind of like with Tiger? Is a Vanity Fair Mistress spread next?

Once again we're challenged by the use of MISTRESS by the press to describe a woman who had an affair, and then received financial support for a child conceived in that affair, which includes a nice house to live in and raise that child.

Because famous people are involved, being discreet is also a difficulty, especially when there is great interest in how a political person in office uses their money and power.

CONTRACEPTION IS NOT PERFECT but it seems that MEN KNOW WHAT THEY HAVE TO DO TO DO THEIR PART IN NOT CONCEIVING A CHILD. AS SO WOMEN. We're not in the bed with the couple but we have to wonder if BOTH were ignorant or overly trusting.
It would be easy to link to any number of stories on the net, including pictures, which show off this "mistress" buxom body, and have pixel's over the child's face. Has anyone considered what going to the press might do to this child? Yes, a child has the right to know his parentage, and maybe Arnold has been visiting him all along, but his privacy as a child is important too.

We'll be following this story!

C Missy Rapport/ Mistress Manifesto blog 2011 All Rights including Internation and Internet Rights Reserved.

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