Sunday, February 20, 2011


"If I dye my hair I will not allow roots to show - ever!"  

Let's face it. Maybe Drew Barrymore or Madonna have allowed themselves to be photographed as a cover-girl or in magazine spreads - by famous photographers no less! - with their roots showing, but nothing is cheaper looking. Nothing announces bad grooming to the world more. (Even chipped nail polish is a little more understandable!)

There is nothing worse than letting those roots show the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

Mistresses should strive to keep their hair shiny, healthy, and clean. If the sun lightens it - fine! If the natural gray is coming in, usually that's fine too - just use some blue shampoo to keep your gray from yellowing. But if you're going to play Blonde when you're really a Brunette, play it well!

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