Monday, December 13, 2010


"At first she accepted payments from him of $833 a month to support her while she tried to resume her singing and acting career. But after support checks stopped she filed suit for half of everything Marvin had earned during their years together. Her share would have been $1.8 million. Her cause was taken up by one of Hollywood's most colorful divorce lawyers, Marvin Mitchelson, who launched what was a campaign to change the law.

"The judge rejected Marvin's community property request but granted her $104,000 for "rehabilitation." The award was later overturned on appeal.

Afterward, she went to work as an agent's secretary at the William Morris talent agency, Palmer said."

Link now to this MSNBC article about Michelle and her law suit.

1 comment:

  1. The case would have been very different if it had taken place in a jurisdiction that recognized common law marriage.


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