Friday, October 22, 2010


Dear Left Hand Queens!

Tiger Woods may have been caught on the public stage as a cheater. But if you are involved with someone who is married to someone else - still - and you love this person and you want to keep them in your life, then DON'T GO PUBLIC!

TRULY, your relationship is a private matter!

It always was and it always should be. 
First of all, jealous women don't make good mistresses and only a jealous woman would use a spectacle to hurt a man's wife (and children) publicly. There is nothing to gain and usually much to loose by being mean. Your man may be torn as is, or he may know in his heart that he will never marry you or divorce her but he is probably not prepared for a scene, be that in front of television news cameras or at the masked ball.

It's a small world, and there is simply no grace in being showy to start a battle with his wife (who you think of as his Other Woman) or prove you have won!

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