Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Pheromones ?
Have you ever used a perfume - cologne - or aftershave that boasted that it was made with pheromones to attract someone of the opposite sex and also, since these perfumes claim to work with your own body chemistry, if you are gay or bisexual, did you attract the sex you're attracted to or just the OPPOSITE SEX ?
Please, I want the FULL REPORT ( name the perfume! ) that you used and what the results were!

Ladies, did men traipse after you through the frozen food section of the market instead of the fruits and veggies?

Men, did you have to choose between three women last Saturday night when you're usually at home in bed with a science fiction paperback and a full platter of crackers and cheese ?


Missy Rapport /Mistress Manifesto blog C 2010 All Intellectual Property and other Rights Including Internet and International Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I mixed up a perfume of my own at a store in a Malibu shopping center a few years ago. And for some reason I was getting a lot of male attention! No pheromones though!


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