Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'm linking to a New York Daily News story (click on the title above) that has some good pictures of the beautiful - and not so beautiful women - who are allegedly Tiger Woods' "mistresses." As time goes on I think the term MISTRESS has been misused in this case, to sensationalize another famous man who has used his wealth, fame, sexuality, and personality to have very many sex partners, while being the husband to another woman, and having a family. Perhaps Tiger Woods is a man who has the Virgin-Whore syndrome that is said to plague men who think of some women as the type to marry and other women as the type to bed.

It may just be that Tiger Woods is a sex addict. In which case, if that's as curable as other addictions, he may be able to stop all the chasing and get back to a comfortable marriage with his also very beautiful wife, a very young wife, who stands to demand a lot of money in any divorce.

Another reason I don't think of ANY of these women who have had affairs with Tiger as mistresses is because I have no evidence that he financially contributed support to any of them, and though that's not always the criteria, it is a consideration. There are many beautiful women who desire to have sex with many men without any sort of financial or other consideration, such as commitment.

Now that I hear the crass crude Howard Stern is having a beauty contest (and in another article I spotted on the net) four of the women Tiger slept with have already volunteered, I imagine he suffers from something else that many famous men do, and that is that he probably does not at all feel loved for himself.
If any of these fame seeking beauties was really a mistress, she would probably still be one!

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