Sunday, November 15, 2009


Some Ladies of the Evening end up being the Lady of the Big House, some Ladies of the Evening end up being the Lady of the Little House, some Ladies were never of the Evening at all, well...

Some Prostitutes can upgrade their lifestyle to being Mistresses, but more common is that a Mistress is a woman who is playing the part of Second Wife. Movies be damned, most Prostitutes have a very hard time getting out of their profession physically and psychologically well. Even if they get out of the life, most men have a very hard time coming to terms with their past.

My official attitude: STAY AWAY FROM PROSTITUTION. DON'T GET IN IT, not even as a one time deal for thousands of dollars because you are a beautiful model. If you are in it, GET OUT. This is a time when every penny you spend for a good therapist is worth it! As a prostitute it is very likely you will age quickly, loose your ability to feel from the heart, it's almost all bad news.

Honestly, you have a better chance at loving and being loved working as a maid. And Prostitutes often hate men, hate them from the start or come to hate them. The Hooker with a Heart of Gold is a rare creature. Better to be a GOLD DIGGER!

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