Sunday, September 27, 2009

He's gone home now... So login and read MISTRESS MANIFESTO

What are you going to do now that he's gone on home? Keep in touch with your sisters reading and commenting on MISTRESS MANIFESTO! And remember, we know not all matches are between rich heterosexual married men and younger, beautiful unmarried women...


  1. I'm a gay male and I'm kept. My friend is a well known attorney and there just isn't any need for me to contribute to the household financially. We would like to get married someday. Where do you stand on gay marriage?


  2. I'm all for it. As things stand now, you are probably not protected financially unless your friend has gone out of his way to legally put you in his will, pays your health insurance, and so on. Legal marriage is better at protecting a person financially than living together or being a mistress/mantress. Missy

  3. I agree with Missy. I even explained my reason to the most conservative person I know and she agreed. So many of my gay friends floated through life, no foundation or groundedness, often just having one night stands or dangerous sex with total strangers in parks/loos. All of them tell me they long for something real and permanent, but that just wasn't something they thought could ever happen. Now that this is legal, I think we will lose fewer people to AIDS, depression, all the sad things we see when a person has to hide, you know? If love to know what happened with Bernie!

  4. Missy here. I want to express my opinion that I do not think that marriage is the goal of all gay men/people, that I see nothing wrong with remaining unmarried throughout your life time, that I see nothing wrong with remaining childless (i.e. nonparental) and that I do not see the right to marriage as gay men/people as a means to stopping people from a promiscuous lifestyle. There are very many gay men/people who are married in every way without legal marriage. Sexuality carries with it responsibility and choice.


Please read my Comments policy in PAGES before you post! I read every Comment before choosing to publish! THANK YOU! Missy