Monday, August 17, 2009


These days, any teenager who can get her hands on a Cosmopolitan Magazine can learn about sex - having and giving pleasure - countless interesting positions. There is so much emphasis on outside appearance and expertise in the bedroom - and so much pressure on young women. But while these things count, when it comes to having and holding any INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP, neither great beauty or great sex (or both great beauty and great sex) can hold a man who is not in love and feels no responsibility towards you.

As a mistress (or mantress - we'll use this term until we can find a better one!) you may remain unmarried (or become his only woman) to your mister because he feels responsibility to his wife and/or children. He may or may not love her or them, or love them in a different way than he loves you. This is why some men only make the break when the children are grown and doing well on their own, which can be a long wait. It's not true that only selfish or irresponsible men turn to other women or that he is "escaping" duty by being with you.

That's why it's a good idea to take a critical look at any relationship you are in. If you are sure that you can make the break when you need to, AND YOU REALLY ARE NOT WAITING for someone to make up their mind to be with you, you may make a great mistress. A great mistress doesn't wait around for a man to commit to her if what she really wants is a marriage. She makes the best of TODAY while keeping an eye to her future...

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