Thursday, October 15, 2009

MISTRESS Q and A (From our e-mail or comments)

"Anonymous in Texas" asks : "How can I tell if the man I want to be a mistress to is going to be really generous ?"

Missy: "First of all determine if this man is generous in general. For instance does he give to charity and if so, is it just for the tax deduction or to feature prominently in society, or does he really believe in the cause? If he's the type to believe in a cause, see if he really believes in you.

"Don't outright ask him for money or anything else. See if he responds to a crisis you're having by offering to help. For instance one Mistress reported to me that she knew the man she cared about was generous when her wallet was stolen. He bought her a new wallet and put some cash in it. No not a whole lot but it was symbolic - and he also handed her enough to pay for a cab to get her to the DMV to report her license stolen and get herself a new one ASAP. That's a good sign."

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