Monday, September 23, 2024


Multiple news agencies around 2013 reported that SCOTT THORSON said he also had a homosexual relationship with famous singer MICHAEL JACKSON.

I listed to a Howards Stern interview of Scott Thorson on YouTube.  I'll let you find it.  It's rude and crude and X rated.  Scott was in good humor and actually did answer some extremely intimate questions about sex with Liberace and also Michael Jackson.

Here is the review: Scott said he met Michael in 1977 and they were good friends. (He and Lee (Liberace) broke up in 1982.) He did have something going with Michael while still with Lee... Michael and Scott all had some cosmetic surgery at the same time.  Micheal was there convalescing at the same time. It was when Michael  was just starting his cosmetic surgeries.

Scott does not believe Michael had sex with young boys.   

During the interview he maintained a loving and positive attitude towards Michael.

This was also around the time that the Thriller album was so successful ....  Scott also says he was in recording studios with Michael.

When asked if he was in love with Michael, he said no.

"How could you top Liberace?" 

Other videos contained photos that give evidence of Lee, Scott, and Michael together.  However, to me this is no surprise as lots of celebrities meet up.  However, also I think it's entirely possible that Scott and Michael did have a relationship of some sort. 

Friday, September 20, 2024



This well written article full of engaging details by Spike Carter from 2024 is about Scott Thorson at age sixty-five but what came before including his role in drug dealing cocaine in the 1980's. It includes a photo as Scott when he worked for a homeless mission in Florida. He was tracked down and shot and was in a coma for six months.

Excerpt:   Amazingly, Scott started making a name for himself on the preaching circuit and developed a huge following, raising hundreds of thousands for the church while traveling around the country on private jets to sermonize onstage at all the biggest God-fearing events. When the feds eventually saw his mug on TV, televangelizing with Billy Graham and Pat Robertson, they were livid. Scott was keeping the opposite of a low profile and making it literally impossible for them to protect him from Nash and his cronies.

"The phoniness was getting to me, though," says Scott. "At least selling drugs to addicts was a more honest racket thank hawking Jesus to yokels with these grifters." Scott was still in witness protection, so he says her began clandestinely running drugs with the cartels - connections made while working with Nash - under the fed's noses.  ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Saw this film - saw it again. I liked it.  I thought Michael Douglas, as Liberace and Matt Damon as Scott Thorson, acted wonderfully.

But the story is also of a relationship that was hidden from Liberace's adoring fans, and that began when a much older man took advantage of another not-yet-legal one.  There is always a question of maturity and a question of choice. 

Have you had a relationship with a much older adult that began when you were underage?
How do you feel about it?  Leave me a comment!


Friday, September 13, 2024



Twenty years before Scott, Liberace sued Confidential Magazine.  Scott says he lived his whole life thinking he was still in the closet, despite his flamboyant stage clothing, and, let's say it, that anyone with GAYDAR probably knew right away! - Missy


(Note that this article link expired.)

May 8, 1957  Los Angeles

"Promising nothing less than the destruction of Confidential magazine, Liberace filed a $20-million libel suit over an article in the July issue titled "Why Liberace's Theme Song Should be 'Mad About the Boy.' "

C 2012-2025  Mistress Manifesto - BlogSpot

Missy here: I live in a part of the world where it's OK to be 'out" and where Gay Pride parades happen every year.

What is the attitude towards homosexuality where you live?  Leave me a comment!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024




page 107)

After a year together Lee (Liberace) told Scott to invest the money that he was being paid and he bought a tract house -1400 square feet - 6 rooms - in Vegas.  Lee helped him make the down payment in exchange for 1/3rd the mortgage.

page 108)
"Lee exercised complete control over my life.  He told me what to wear, where to go, who to see once I got there."

page 109)
"Although Lee didn't raise the salary I reported to the IRS, he was always giving me cash, a thousand or more a week."

page 18)
"In the gay community they say "First you sell it (most young gay men have older lovers who act as mentors), then you give it away (with a sexual partner your own age), and then you buy it (by having a younger lover)."

C 2012 -2025  Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights.
First published October 18, 2012

Monday, September 9, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024



From Scott's book, page 74

"He showered me with affection and presents. But the gift of his love proved more seductive than anything else. I'd made a bargain with Lee (Liberace), a deal for sex, and I'd done it with my eyes wide open. Although Lee was 40 years my senior, there were times when he seemed like a lost soul. I made up my mind to devote myself to him, to make him laugh, to lighten all his burdens. Lofty plans - but typical I guess for an 18 year old with his head in the clouds."

C 2012-2015 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot
First published October 12, 2012

Friday, September 6, 2024


As part of my re-research, I found the podcast on YouTube and listened to it.  Scott spoke and was one of the people interviewed....  I thought this was an excellent podcast and have respect for Michael Connelly, who is also known for his many crime fiction books.


MGM will air the series adapted from the book on September 8th... a couple days from now.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


I searching for more recent news of SCOTT THORSON, I found that he had done a number of interviews around the time of the film Behind the Candelabra. I watched numerous videos on YouTube, some that got clipped into Tik Tok as well. Most were ten or more years old and were repetitive of the information I already provided here at Mistress Manifesto. 

Liberace went out of his way to hide his homosexuality and therefore his relationship with Scott was also kept secret, which required lots of collaboration - from the media especially. So when Scott outed himself, he also outed Liberace. 

Where were we as a culture on the subject of the LGBTQ stars in the 80's? 90's. Ten years ago?  What about today when there are still many places where LGBTQ people do not dare be open?  I want to know if Scott Thorson was doubted because he was duped by a star? Or because he was and is not heterosexual? 

Best selling crime fiction author, Michael Connelly, has tackled the Wonderland Murders and his investigative take which includes Scott Thorson. Connelly's book is called The Wonderland Murders and The Secret History of Hollywood. In this YouTube video one investigator believed Thorson entirely and another thought Scott to be a liar.

Scott Thorson was put into a Witness Protection Program due to his testimony.

My libraries do not have a copy of this book but you can listen to clips of it on YouTube, as read by the author. There were three trials and no one was ever convicted of the murders which thus remain unsolved.

In this 2021 article that appeared in Rolling Stone Magazine, Scott Thorson says investigators should continue to work on the case.


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July 2016

PORN ACTOR JOHN C. HOLMES and Wife SHARON GEBENINI and MISTRESS DAWN SCHILLER Love Triangle Relationships Played Out Through The Wonderland Murders

C 2025 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024


SCOTT THORSON has passed away.... on August 16th...

SINCE I FIRST HONORED SCOTT THORSON AS MANTRESS OF THE MONTH, HIS LIFE HAD BEEN A ROLLER COASTER RIDE!  Since the end of his relationship with the star Liberace (who died in 1987), he was a witness for the WONDERLAND MURDERS which was tied in with illegal drug dealers, got busted for illegal drugs, got financial help from unlikely but compassionate people, messed up again and spent years in prison, had worked on (and maybe published) another book, and outed himself as the lover of another famous person - MICHAEL JACKSON ! ***

I'll weave original posts that appeared here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO with the newer information.


January 23, 1959 – August 16, 2024

Google Images

Scott is on the left in his chauffer uniform when he was part of Liberace's show.

Ladies and Gentlemen! 

I've been meaning to include Kept Men in this blog, and recently I started thinking about Scott Thorson, who was involved with Liberace, the famous piano player and showman, whose clothing and outrageously rich life-style became as much a part of his act as his piano playing. 

Scott wrote a book with co-author Alex Thorleifson back in 1988, called "Behind the Candelabra" and I decided to re-read it.

Scott was born in 1959, and he's still with us, last I heard living with a common law wife (in the book he stated that he is bisexual) and through the years he's been struggling with drug addiction, and I suspect some emotional problems.

A movie is going to be made from the book after all these years, starting Michael Douglas as Liberace and Matt Damon as Scott.  I look forward to seeing this HBO production, because I always want to see what film makers do with a book which I found sincere and well written. 

Let me tell you a little bit about Scott.  I think you'll realize that though he was a Kept Man or Boytoy in a homosexual relationship with Liberace, he has much in common with many a Mistress / Mantress through history and today. 

First, he came from a disadvantaged background. Scott's mom was mentally ill and as a result he lived in a number of foster homes, not all bad, his last being a happy situation. As a foster child he had to work doing odd jobs and he started earning what he could at the age of 10.  His dream was to be a veterinarian. He met Liberace in 1977 and Liberace's oldest dog was ailing. As a couple and in the time they were together they would buy each other dogs and own more than two dozen.

Liberace was rich, famous, and powerful, and 40 years older than Scott, who was just 18  years old when they started. Within a month of their first meeting Liberace hired him but also made it clear sex and a very personal relationship was part of the bargain. 

Scott left his foster home and moved in with Liberace with their primary residence being Vegas. He was to learn that Liberace, his family, and his management, all did whatever possible to hide the the entertainer's homosexuality. (Maybe Liberace's mom never figured it out. Everyone else did.)

Scott was a known secret among many. 

Liberace had an active sex life and would die of AIDS, a disease that he did not get from Scott.

Scott's previous experience with relationships and sex was limited. He was not promiscuous, or into porn, and had not been a prostitute, but for a while he lived with an older gay brother in San Francisco and had teenage experiences. 

Liberace would come to dominate Scott's life. In order to be with him almost constantly, to travel and be part of Liberace's life, Scott had very little freedom, and few friends his own age. Financially he had a salary and was part of the fabulous show. Like many a person Kept by someone much wealthier than themselves, Scott found himself on a low but livable salary because he was gifted with jewels, clothes, and much else beyond that salary. 

To please Liberace, Scott had cosmetic surgery that included a chin implant, cheek bone implants, and a nose job.  Liberace wanted him to look like a son.

He also lost a lot of weight to be more in Liberace's image and likeness. As a result of legal prescriptions given by the doctor who performed the surgery, he became a drug addict. He's had a long struggle with addiction since.

Scott displaced the previous protégé and would be displaced five years later himself. 

Liberace talked adopting him and also supporting him for his lifetime.

When he found himself thrown out as the previous protégé had, he was confused and upset, and he sued.  Scott himself says this was no "Palimony" case....

Aren't you interested in learning more about SCOTT THORSON?



*** We'll get into the Scott Thorson - Michael Jackson relationship later this month!

C 2012-2025 All Rights Reserved Including International and Internet Rights.
First published October 3, 2012

So here we are in 2025...

First, because I wanted to read it, I searched for a copy of Scott Thorson's second memoir, which I believe to be entitled Shattered Candelabra or Beyond the Candelabra. I was unable to find it and do not know if it was actually published or distributed. Perhaps he is still working on another book - one that includes a relationship he had with singer Michael Jackson.

In 2013, the film Behind the Candelabra aired in May. It was based on Thorson's memoir but from everything I read, he was pretty much drummed out of having any input on the film. That might well have been because he was a felon behind bars for a drug possession conviction that included charges of burglary and that went on from 2008 - 2012. Towards the end of his prison sentence Thorson was diagnosed with cancer. (I do not know what his medical condition is now but wonder if it was a misdiagnosis.)

I personally loved the film and have seen it three times. It brought Thorson and his story to the people. I thought the film attempted to be fair in showing both the positive and negative aspects of his relationship with Liberace, who had gone to extreme lengths to hide his homosexuality, but died of AIDS.

Thorson was in serious trouble again when he got out of prison but got caught using someone else's credit cards. He was given five years probation.  At this time Dennis Hof, the then alive proprietor of the brothel called the Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada, and some of the prostitutes there, pitched in and provided over a hundred thousand dollars in bail money to get Scott out of prison. What?  Who? They only knew of him?

I was impressed!

It's my notion that, hearing of his story, knowing the ways of Vegas that most of us cannot, these Hof and some of his workers came forward because they understood that Thorson had been used up by Liberace and thrown to the street as a youth. Deserted, abandoned, and left fending for himself, after experiencing great wealth, but also accepting the control of his life - and even his face - by Liberace, Scott Thorson, who had been with the star from the age of 16 to 21 - I should say the underage of 16 - had not been educated for any career that could move him into a successful and self-sustaining life.

Thorson had sued Liberace after their relationship and did win some money, far less than he asked for, and not an amount that would keep him living at all close to the lavish lifestyle he had experienced. He was not well emotionally or psychologically and, like many others, he probably used drugs to feel better at first, then due to addiction.

Because of his drug addiction - though one report is that he was encouraged by Liberace to get involved - in 1981, he had come in contact with a violent and powerful drug dealer in the Hollywood Hills - and pulled into a quadruple murder investigation of The Wonderland Murders. (Wonderland is the name of the street where the drug dealer had a house, the center of his operations. This drug dealer also happened to be a club owner locally.) Thorson was not innocent when it came to drug dealing but was innocent of the murders. Thorson was been given a new name and put into a Federal witness protection program because of his testimony.  At one point he got involved with some high profile televangelists.

Thorson's probation for lesser offences after all this required he stay off illegal drugs but he could not. Testing positive, being given chance after chance, he was arrested again and this time ordered to serve up to 20 years. He served seven and was let out in 2020.

To me Scott Thorson is a man whose life has been tremendously difficult and more than he could bear. And wherever he is at this moment, I sincerely hope he can turn it around.

I ask my readers this:

What happened when you were sixteen (or before you were twenty one and a legal adult in all ways) that effected your entire life? Where are you now because of it?  How has it made you the person you are today?


C 2012-2025 All Rights Reserved Including International and Internet Rights.
Information about Scott Thorson's life comes from multiple and often repetitive news articles.

You may also be interested in 


July 2016   PORN ACTOR JOHN C. HOLMES and Wife SHARON GEBENINI and MISTRESS DAWN SCHILLER Love Triangle Relationships Played Out Through The Wonderland Murders

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Don't forget that hand-written love note on good parchment.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024


 Camera Girl has a different perspective on the life of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy than most of the Jackie books I've read because it focuses on her life before her marriage to John F. Kennedy as a career woman.  The senator who would take the White House and end his presidency assassinated. was barely romantic and had not actually courted her much.  He was too busy and too much of a womanizer to think of it.  

Born Jacqueline Bouvier in 1929, the child of divorced parents who were always at war over her and her sister,  the future First Lady had a natural intelligence but wasn't especially academic. She was artistic and drew fun images revealing a sense of humor, considered being an actress, but being a writer was her most earnest desire.  Only an eighth French, more Irish, Jackie worked hard to learn French language and culture and adopt that ethnicity as her heritage. She was multi-lingual and a perfectionist.

Her step-father had greater wealth than her father, who was in a slow decline of fortunes and health. Pressure to marry and before the age of 21, she wanted to be a writer and journalist first. This book follows her efforts, against sexism, as she established herself as a roving photographer who wrote an article composted of  quotes of conversation. She came up with the interesting  questions and that asked people from all walks of life to answer. Her time as the Inquiring Photographer lasted about a year and a half and ended as she became officially engaged to the Senator. One of her articles focused on questions inspired by Marilyn Monroe.  

How could Jackie do more than be a housewife when most employers had the "you'll just get married anyway" attitude?  She, as an expensively educated young woman, tried to campaign to be assigned to hard news but the social status implied by that education actually went against her. (There were women employed as journalist at the time.)  Connections landed her a start, but even then she was told that an engagement would end her employment. 

It didn't help that her mother felt that men would not marry intelligent women and that her aspirations for her daughters was that they would marry way up.  Many a beau entered her life, most not serious, and she herself began to see marriage as the strongest opportunity she could have. She had a fiancee that she returned a ring to.

This book asserts that, though years younger than Kennedy, and certainly not as worldly, Jackie knew what she was doing when she decided she wanted to marry the womanizing man.  Warned by John's best friend Lem, she decided that a lot of opportunities, including being able to influence, came along with being the wife on a senator or First Lady. She advised her sister-in-law to evaluate those opportunities to stay in marriage. She used her research skills to help John F. Kennedy succeed.

Page 285:

Distinctly unromantic, Kennedy qualified his inability to easily express emotion by claiming it was a result of his mother being unemotional and rarely expressing affection to him.  By accepting this deficiency in him, Jackie realized she was just as unusual...."

Here at Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot, we have been interested in the saga of Jackie, Johm, Marilyn, and Big and Little Edie Bouvier.  Of interest to the Little Edie fans is that Jackie's father, nicknamed Black Jack, a sexual adventurer, may have had an affair with Little Edie, his niece.  You'll also learn more than in Grey Gardens about how it was that the Bouvier inheritance was depleted and possibly mismanaged by Black Jack, who was the brother of Big Edie. He may have used some of their money to finance Jackie's first trip to Europe in 1950, where she lived in Paris.

This book has much to reveal about Jackie and the relationship she had with those parents, who both wished to control her and have her to themselves; as a result she became careful with her words - both written and spoken.  She manipulated them by sometimes leaving out information or thinking three steps ahead.

page 91:

Reviewing her early writings during her train ride from New York to Kingston, Rhode Island, station, near Newport, would remind Jackie that she not only had a gift for adapting the events of her life into fictionalized stories but had always relied on doing so, particularly as a way of responding to the unpleasant incidents of her life, including her parent's divorce.  "It amuses me," she wrote at that time, to craft fairy tales.  When her balance was thrown off or her boundaries were crossed, Jackie would retreat into the role of imaginative chronicler, casting allies as heroes, violators as villains, artfully transfiguring reality.  She often illustrated her fanciful chronicles with caricatures of friends, family members, teachers - and herself, literally turning her real life into an absurdist cartoon world.

C 2024  book review-report  Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot
All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

If you're interested in more about Jackie, John F. Kennedy, Big and Little Edie Beale, Marilyn Monroe - you've come to the right place.  To pull up posts about these famous people, you can use the search feature and put in their names, or you can go into the archives.


LITTLE EDIE BOUVIER BEALE of Grey Gardens Fame. Her Affair With a Married Man May Have Done Her In.

Special Edition


MARILYN MONROE (Norma Jeane Baker)
Mistress of Super Agent Johnny Hyde Early in Her Career



KATHLEEN “KICK” KENNEDY ; Sister of J.F.K., Widow of Billy Hartington, Mistress of Peter Wentworth Fitzwilliam When They Died in A Plane Crash





Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Perhaps the most surprising thing about courtesan Catherine Walter's story is that ex-lover, poet, and confidant Wilfrid Scawen Blunt figured in it to the end.

After her brief time in Paris, Catherine returned to England.  In the 1880's she featured in the goings on in Mayfair - London, as she had twenty hears earlier when her beauty and horsemanship made her career. She set herself up in a house in 1882 and began writing with Blunt once more, despite the ending of their romance which had been horrible for him. It turns out that she and Wilfrid wrote letters back and forth to each other for forty years.  Perhaps her instincts had been right that he would make for a loyal friend all along.  

At her house in Mayfair, Catherine became the hostess of a salon, which was the more fashionable way to be 'at home' to receive friends on a certain day and hour, as had been the custom. It was because of this salon that she began to be included again in society at least a little bit, as the class structure and notions of womenhood began to change slowly. She held teas on Sunday afternoons, when she knew that men would be able to come and women would generally not be able to. Both Blunt and the Prince of Wales came to visit as did the Prime Minister Gladstone. The women who showed up tended to be artists, writers, and actresses. 

It's not known who all were her 'protectors' were in her years as a courtesan in England, but what is known through Blunt is that in his last visit to her, when he and she were both debilitated with age, she showed him a drawer full of letters which proved that she also had been writing back and forth with the Prince of Wales, who seemed interested also in her welfare. Implied is that possibly the Prince had been one of the men who had once had a relationship with her and provided for her.

Catherine Walters had the gift of making old lovers into friends. (This reminds me of the woman who may be considered the most famous courtesan of the 21st century, Pamela Digby Churchill Harriman who also remained friends with the various men who kept her.)

She kept a friendship with Marquis of Hartington - Spencer Compton Cavendish, now in politics, who had been a man she once wanted to marry, and whose family had provided a liveable, life-long annuity.

However, as she aged she had increasing trouble with her lungs and at one point it was HRH, the Prince of Wales who sent a doctor to attend to her.  In 1889 the cure was the South of France, and months away from cold, rainy London.  Both Hartington and the Prince of Wales came to visit her as she lived in the South of France.  In her mid sixties her health had declined to the point where was in pain and took daily medications. She grew thin and was half deaf and half blind by 1918. She still wrote, using pencil instead of pen, her handwriting difficult to read. In 1920 she had a fatal stroke and died.

C Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Page 309 :

".... All the great courtesans of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries treasured their autonomy and guarded it jealousy, an impropriety which marked them off, more than most anything else, from their 'respectable' sisters. This was so even though the position of women - particularly married women - in the mid-nineteenth century was better than it had ever been.  It is hard to imagine, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the profoundly radical changes to the position of women about the Divorce Act of 1857, and the Married Women's Property Act of 1882. Before the latter a married woman could own no property (although among the very rich, pre-nupital settlements often circumnavigated this), nor even control any earnings she might have (this was changed by legislation in 1878), and she had the legal status of a minor, on par with children, criminals and the insane. Although prior to 1857 she could be divorced by her husband, she herself was debarred from filing a divorce suit - or any other kind of legal action - against him. Most critical of all was the fact that the husband had complete control over the children, who like his wife, were his legal property. A woman had no redress. In the case of her adultery, for instance, a husband could - and invariably did - simply take her children away from her for good.

The Acts of 1857 and 1882 changed all this.  As well as divorce and other law reforms, the nineteenth century saw many other campaigns by women to improve their circumstances - the campaigns for the vote, for the expansion of job opportunities, and for better educational rights all belong to this period..."



Monday, August 12, 2024


One of the fascinating aspects of Katie Hickman's book about courtesans, which focuses on the women of England who came into this lifestyle, is her reportage on other aspects of a courtesan's lifestyle. She reports on finances, on contraception, and on the character and personalities and values of the successful courtesan.

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt moved on from his fraught relationship with Catherine Walters in Paris.  When it seemed that his association with Catherine would cause scandal, his boss removed him to another diplomatic post.  He was considered an eligible bachelor and even became the unsaid fiancee of a young woman whose parents approved of the match but, reminded of his love for Catherine and seeing how it compared for his feelings for this other woman, he was unable to make the proposal.

These excerpts from pages 308 and 309 have much to say:

"In many ways Blunt's behavior was not at all unusual for a man of his class and times.  The ability to separate what he himself would call "practical romance" from either idealized romance or sexual conquests was a perfectly acceptable way for a man to conduct his affairs, so long as he was discreet: and Blunt who later quite consciously made the decision to marry for money, saw no shame in it. ..."


He was aware of the double standard - one for men - another for women.

Page 309:  "It goes without saying that when women tried to emulate this masculine behavior it became an "immorality" for which society could not forgive them.  The only women who were in some measure outside these constraints were courtesans.  The penalties melted out by society could not touch the demi-monde (although some would say that being part of this shadowland , was the penalty) and as a social group they were thus almost uniquely free.

It was not just sexual chastity that was the issue here, but also, by extension, a woman's whole autonomy. Blunt, who in his way, was in many ways a forward thinker about women, never really blamed Catherine for her promiscuity, or even for the fact that she accepted money for it (although he did not like it).  His blame was for something altogether more subtle, something that he himself could barely articulate: the fact that she could accept him as a lover, but still desire to keep her independence from him. This was the really tormenting fact for him about their liaison. And it was this which, in his eyes, made her 'unvirtuous.'

Ask your self this question (and maybe you'll want to leave me a comment) :  Do you compartmentalize one relationship from another and why?

C Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024


He was twenty-three and unconventional for a diplomat attached to the British Embassy in Madrid, Spain. She was twenty-four. Her relationship with Marquis of Hartington - Spencer Compton Cavendish was over and, if she didn't overspend, she had decent financial support for life from his family. The beginning of their relationship was played out in the luxury society resort of Biarritz

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt fell immediately in love with Catherine, who he called Esther in some of his poems, as if to keep some privacy for the two of them. Not inexperienced sexually, he was also erotically obsessed with Catherine. When they first met, he was honored that she showed off that she was with him. He was sure she loved him back and never imagined that their relationship would end.  She had seduced him and she shut out all others to concentrate on him - at first.

He was young but had been posted in three capitols and he had even kept a mistress himself in Madrid for a while.  How innocent could he be?  He believed himself to be special because she had chosen him.  Doubt and jealousy began to plague the man, however, and what made it all worse was that he insisted in going back to Paris with her and there could be no doubt that she was not his at all. They broke up and he was devastated. Catherine Walters was not about to give up her life as a courtesan because she aspired to the rich life. So when he got posted to Paris in 1864 he didn't seek her out right away.

When he did meet up with Catherine again, it was she who summoned him and suggested they find a place to live together. She was in charge. Wilfrid saw that she was living in lesser circumstances than she had lived in before and Catherine claimed that she no longer wanted luxury. They found a suitable four room apartment and he moved in. But first, before she went to live with him, she had to take care of some business in London. That business was obviously a contract to be kept by yet another man of wealth, an old friend she said, an Englishman.

When she returned to Paris, Blunt realized that once again Catherine had allowed him to live in fantasy. He stayed in the four room apartment while she again lived in luxury. Just as Sophia Baddelely had her Mrs. Steele who lived with her and played many roles in her life including intermediary, Catherine had her Julie who was to explain the change to Blunt.  Catherine now had her young sister living with her, she said.  As if her teenage sister, sixteen and her age when she first became a kept woman, needed to be kept from the truth?

One day Blunt walked in and there he was - her English patron - comporting himself as Catherine's owner. One does wonder if Catherine allowed this to happen.  Maybe Blunt took some time to get used to the idea of sharing her with this man.  What was worse was seeing that she was also entertaining other men.

Blunt was willing to have Catherine however it effected him emotionally. While she received from her rich English patron, who Blunt thought of as a man who needed to spend to show off his wealth, Blunt benefited by her generosity to him. If she had not said so, somehow he had not realized the obvious, and yet it is clear that she did value him as a confidant for some time and then he spent his life trying to understand her and what had happened to him.  She trusted Wilfrid enough to talk about her life with him and he would preserve much of what we know about Catherine Walters.

One of her personal policies was to not have any women friends.

C Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


His full name was Spencer Compton Cavendish, Marquis of Hartington and he was the heir of the Duke of Devonshire.  Catherine Walters had met him when she was nineteen years old, and he became her second known patron who came from the aristocracy.

It was thought that his relationship with Catherine Walters had been brief but as it turned out Blunt, the poet who was inspired by Catherine and had her ear, had in his possessions a couple hundred letters between Catherine and Spencer which proves that they had contact for four years, writing to each other every week.  Spencer and Catherine were affectionate with each other. The two of them rode to the hunt, sporting together. Maybe it was even true love.

Like last month's Courtesan, Sophia Baddeley, who was an earlier, Georgian England Courtesan, and who managed to keep a bit of good reputation and a status because of her stage presence as an actor and singer, Catherine was able to use her skill as a horsewoman to be accepted by some of those who would otherwise ostracise her.

Page 281 : "Catherine's horsemanship, for which she was passionately admired by her contemporaries, meant that she found an acceptance on the hunting field that was denied to her in every other social situation,  Stories about her daring, both on the field and off, abound.  SHe once cleared the eighteen- foot water jump at the National Hunt Steeplechase at Market Harborough for a 100 pound bet with ease, after three other riders had tried and failed.


By 1850, letters prove, Catherine Walters was already the Marquis of Hartington's mistress and living in London.  He was beginning to get involved in politics and so he was busy and could not always come by but she made useful her time by being tutored, improving her writing.  

She also believed he would marry her if his father approved, despite her not being accepted by society. 

Page 283 : "As a protector, however, he was generous to a fault. For all his great expectations, by the standards of the day Hartington was not personally very rich, and he was obliged to survive o an allowance from his father.  Despite this he paid Catherine a generous allowance of her own, and in his letters there are references to additional gifts of 100 pounds, 150 pounds, and even 250 pounds.


Not one to sit around and wait for him, Catherine rode on horseback in Hyde park, both for exercise and to show herself off as other courtesans also did.  Though she might have not exactly have started out wanting the fame she got, it was part of the life and she became a star, like Sophia Baddeley had. The notoriety went against her dearest wish to have Spencer as a husband. In 1861 he wrote to her hinting that it might be best if she forgot all about him.  The man was not going to make a marriage with her and he knew it. By 1862 he admitted that their relationship had to end.

Catherine knew what she wanted and was not one to let Spencer go without a fight. She followed him to New York where he later claimed he was reluctant to have more to do with her.  The relationship was off and on for another year. Finally when she knew he would not take her back and marry her, she sold her London house, her horses and carriages, and moved to Paris.  It was not impossible for a man to marry a courtesan but it was rare and usually scandalized his family and society.  Perhaps her heritage background, her Irish and Catholic beginnings, as well as her common status would have made marriage with someone as elevated as the Marquis of Hartington impossible even if she had not been a courtesan?

Though he could not and would not marry her, the Devonshire family didn't abandon Catherine Walters financially. She received 500 pounds a year from them which continued to her death in 1920, even after Spencer's death.  The 500 pounds a year gave her a financial freedom and once again, still a very young woman, Catherine could have taken that money and ended her life as a courtesan.  I find it honorable that the Devonshire family kept to that agreement and that people of their status and means understood what being put aside may have meant to a young woman who had to seek her own living as a teenager.

C Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Continuing with author and historian Katie Hickman's book, we now focus on another English Courtesan she profiles, Catherine Walters, who was called The Courtesan's Courtesan and rose to fame in Victorian England and, of course, Paris.




Though the Parisians and the French in particular were skeptical of the English Courtesans, and Paris therefore would seem an unlikely place for an English Courtesan to rise, this is where Catherine Walters did indeed become famous, though she wasn't there for long.  

The astonishingly beautiful Catherine was first kept at the age of sixteen. Then in London, in 1863, she began a relationship with a young man who was inspired to write poetry by her, Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, who, it was said, was so obsessed with her that he could never really love another woman again after Catherine. Some of the information we have about Catherine's life comes from Blunt who played a supportive role in her life but also seems to have been tremendously swayed by idealism, unable to fully face the reality of Catherine's lifestyle.

Catherine was reportedly a blond with deep blue eyes, though photographs show her to be brunette and her hair was also called auburn. (Perhaps she had dyed her hair?)

Her body was so exquisite that she was considered to be perfectly formed. She most impressed others - in particular the French. with her style as a horsewoman for when she was riding sidesaddle, she wore a garment so well cut to show her body that it was rumored she was naked beneath the cloth.  People were in awe to see her as she joined the parade of other courtesans who rode to show off their fine clothing, jewelry, horses and carriages.

Page 279 : ... "And how smart, how elegant, what a horse woman, what an air of originality and honesty in the presentation of her carriages!' wrote Zed in his portrait of her. 'When she appeared on the avenue de L'Imperatrice driving herself with two beautiful sparkling pure-blooded horses, followed by two grooms on horseback in splendid and elegant uniform... every head turned, and all eyes were on her.'...

She gave off aristocratic bearing but she was born in Liverpool to a sea captain and his Irish wife and was raised as a Catholic.  Blunt, who claimed to be her confidant, said her mother died when she was four and that as a girl Catherine was sent off to be raised in a convent school. After running away from the school she worked for a horse stable and rode the horses to display them to customers, earning a percentage. Her nickname 'Skittles' came from that time.

At sixteen she was already a mistress of a man named George Lord Fitzwilliam, the master of the Fitzwilliam Hounds.  When she separated from him after a year, he gave her a settlement if 300 pounds a year plus a lump sum of 2000 pounds.

Her story reminds us a bit of that of CoCo Chanel, who was also motherless at a young age and raised in a convent school, and who left there in need of earning her own keep, becoming a a young kept woman in the process.

Walters' career as a courtesan did not end in her teenage years with a first lover, who, it could be argued, provided her enough money to settle into a different, more modest lifestyle. Like many a courtesan, she desired to experience more, to own more,  to take it as far as it would go, and her beauty plus her horsemanship attracted many potential suitors.  

Though we know the names if some of them, money she was given in her teens and early twenties may have allowed her to leave fame behind and settle into a house in Mayfair where she continued to maintain old friendships with some of the noteworthy men she'd had relationships with and possibly attract more such suitors.  She was able to retire well, with the attention of some of those she had met years earlier seeming to care about her welfare and continuing to provide in some way.  

Catherine Walter's will described her as a 'spinster.'  She had never married and had no children. Unlike Sophia Baddeley she had not spent herself into poverty, though she surely had some times in her life when she had to budget carefully.

Something we always wonder is how or if or when a courtesan is in love or loves the man who has set her up in luxury.  If not, how does she separate that relationship, in which she must show special devotion and often be on call for him from other relationships? Is she an expert at compartmentalization? Or is it that she separates love from sex? Or is it that she can love more than one person at a time? In the case of Blunt, author Katie Hickman gives us the impression that Catherine knew to keep him around because she needed him and his devotion to her, prioritizing the men who could provide for her as he, a mere diplomat, could not.  As I see it, to do so took some diplomacy, keeping some air of mystery, some ability to not tell the whole truth perhaps, or to allow a man to think what he might while she took care of herself. Is that manipulative or is it simply that we cannot be fully responsible for what someone else is thinking or feeling?

C Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

The image on the book cover of Courtesans by Katie Hickman is not Catherine Walters but is a portrait of actress Sarah Bernhardt..

Wikipedia is the source for the photo of Catherine Walters used above.

Friday, August 2, 2024


 Haven't forgotten about you! Posts begin tomorrow!