Friday, March 31, 2023



You've been researching and writing your blog for over a decade.  Has reading all those books and writing about all these people made you more liberal or conservative?


Los Angeles


It's not easy for me to say.  I tend to think being liberal is about allowing other people to have their lifestyle, even if it's a way of life you don't agree with or want for yourself. So in that way I'm a liberal. Also I think the definition - or understanding of what it means to be a liberal or a conservative - changes with time.

Another factor in my having read so very many books about people - mostly women and mostly women who lived in the more overall sexist historical times - is that I have to remind myself about what subjects have gotten published. People who have reached celebrity are usually the subjects of books that I have access to.  As well, people who have been involved in scandal are more interesting to writers and publishers.  As time goes by, some of what was once considered scandal is no longer surprising to people.  I suspect there are more Mistresses (and Mantresses - my term for Kept Men) than ever, but overall, in a time of experimentation with sexuality and genders, society may not be so 'scandalized."


Thursday, March 30, 2023


Here's a link to a site devoted to the LAW as it pertains to unmarried couples. Now, this is an issue for gay relationships because gays can't get married like straights can, but the implications for the long term mistress in a serious and devoted relationship with a man - with the one problem that he is already legally married - and is in fact pretty much a bigamist, are far reaching....

First posted this in 2009... the link is still good... OPEN THE DISCUSSION!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Any time you want to explore or being in an ALTERNATIVE RELATIONSHIP, such as a Love Triangle or Triad,(notice I did not say Hate Triangle) you are bound to hear criticism. It seems to me that the Psychology Profession is as good as Fundamentalist Christianity in pushing for "normality,' that is heterosexual relationships in which there is one female with one male or sometimes homosexual ones that are one to on. Though stats show how many unions end in divorce, the goal is to be in this one plus one relationship forever. I dare say that because of the advice columns I read that are authored, usually by a woman therapist (since now a degree and profession license makes anyone an expert), who tells other women that the only reason they get into or accept being part of triad (such as being Kept or involved with a person married to someone else) is LOW SELF ESTEEM. (Can't we just call it Sin?)

I do not believe that. I would say that a person who is sharing a person with another person, who is being treated well, is better off than a person who has only one person to his or her self and is being abused in the relationship.  It would say it is better to be unmarried, single, alone- not lonely, and celibate, rather than be in a bad relationship for the sake of being in one. 

There IS such a thing as LOW SELF ESTEEM but it could be argued that STAYING IN DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS such as staying married or at a job where someone abuses you would be as much evidence or more. Further, maybe it's because women are more apt to ask for advice than men, but the advice I read in such columns does seem to be aimed at women more so than men.

Some men get abused in the workplace and in marriages and other relationships too and don't up and leave. But staying in is thought of as honorable, even the role of a man, evidence of masculinity, appraised as he is 'soldiering' on, doing his duty. So maybe what's being said is that what is honorable for men is dishonorable for women?

It's worth mentioning here that throughout history there have been what we call ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES which were simply considered to be normality at the time. We may not find we'd want to recreate what it was for a woman to live in Ancient Rome, or China before Communism, or to be the member of certain African tribes where more than one wife was (and is) allowed and encouraged, but can we say that all those women had and have 'low self esteem?" We cannot.  

So is nonconformity 'low self esteem?'

One recent advice column I read suggested that a woman who is 'in love' with two men at the same time has a Personality Disorder and is only looking for grief. Excuse me? Human beings seem to be so capable of various forms of hatred as we observe man's inhumanity to man - war - violence - but not various forms of love?  

As for Personality Disorders, they do exist, but I happen to know a couple who have celebrated over 50 years of marriage together, getting the praise of their church and their community, who privately live an extremely screwed up life. Their children and grandchildren are the same. Neither of these people have any friends outside of the marriage, which must seem to be too threatening for them. There's always drama over there. It's difficult to even visit them for all the screaming and yelling, arguing, and emotional blackmail they can't even control while having a visitor. I go home to recoup after a visit with them. 

You can so love more than one person at a time.  I'll bet you already do. Consider the love of parents or other relatives, your best friends, your students or classmates, your children, people at your club, your pets (I do think they are persons, sentient beings) and the very many ways there are to love! 

Sometimes it is more difficult to CHOOSE because you feel such pressure to CHOOSE. The entire world is set up for two people to partner. Or someone in the Triad feels forced to so that imbalances things. No doubt about that pressure.  Which is why so many people choose also not to tell their boss, their parents, their relatives, their children, even their minister or priest.  They don't want to hear it. They should, however, be able to trust so they can confide in a therapist.

Now don't get me wrong, I KNOW THAT ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES are MINORITY LIFESTYLES. And like many a minority, living against the social conventions that dominate, you may need support. The support is supposed to come from a therapist who is NOT TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO OR HOW TO LIVE, but HELPING YOU DECIDE WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU. (And if one of them is diagnosing you, billing an insurance company, and not telling YOU what the diagnosis is, well, would an MD do this? Is their professional opinion none of your business? That's disrespectful of you.)

Psychology is interesting. We know a whole lot more about it than we used to. Here's the thing about labels such as diagnosis. Sometimes they're helpful, sometimes they are just traps.  

Sometimes it's best to fire your therapist. And when they spew their PERSONAL OPINIONS or AGENDA based on the notion that they are trained as THERAPISTS and thus authorities in your life, well, something is amiss there.

It's my opinion that if you feel you need therapy because of an ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE, it may be best to seek someone who is practicing in the LGBTQ community, who has experience with Alternative Lifestyles.


C 2023  Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot

Monday, March 27, 2023


Isabel Rosario Cooper went back to entertainment or tried to.  Life in Hollywood didn't renew her work or fame that she'd left behind in Manila.

"Chabing (the name she used as an actor) went from playing a nurse, a geisha, a Siamese harem wife, a Native American, a Chinese servant, a Chinese-American secretary, a hula dancer, another Chinese servant, a Filipina servant, a Carabean slave, and an "Oriental" belly dancer.  In lower budget Charlie Chan films she has full scenes, exchanges dialogue with the lead.  In others she is just another body providing color, being a type.  (Pages 128-129)

"In the decade following her arrangement with MacArthur, Isabel Cooper relentlessly remakes herself, Isabel Kennamer, housewife from Washington, D.C; Belle Cooper, ingĂ©nue; Isabel Cooper, actress, possibly Isabel Moreno, wife, Chabing Cooper, nightclub hula dancer; Chabing, actress.  She shaves at least a decade from her actual age, claims to be white, Malay, Scottish, Irish, Javanese.  She moves from being a mistress to getting married, then divorced, to married again (and again.)

Finding herself evicted from a familiar role, and unsatisfied with the one that follows, she invents a plethora of selves in order to survive --sometimes just barely and with bruises to show--in the manifold niches available to women like her.  Both distant from and yet intimately bound to the war raging across both oceans, these roles show a woman making do with scant material and doggedly crafting a life and livelihood through ingenuity and manipulation, or what perhaps has been dismissed as "feminine wiles."  (Excerpt page 110)

The last film she appeared in was shot in 1953 and released the following year and was a fake documentary about burlesque. She had no other roles.

How Isabel continued to live is unknown. However, when she died, she was probably fifty years old and it was an overdose of barbiturates and was likely suicide. Her once upon a time husband, Frank Kennamer, now remarried with children, and a lawyer, was called upon and provided her a burial plot but it is without a headstone in Holy Cross Cemetery, Los Angeles.
There may have been an investigation but the file is lost.

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot All Rights Reserved including International and Internet Rights


Friday, March 24, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023


A bit more than a year since the invasion began, the people of Ukraine have experienced having their houses and apartments blown apart, the loss of their possessions, murder, rape, and torture.  

Those of us who are free in the West must not forget that they are fighting for their lives.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Isabel Rosario Cooper moved out of the hotel in D.C. and may have been evicted from it. Soon she was living in another hotel in New York City.  A investigative journalist who was interested in exposing MacArthur to criticism for political reasons found Isabel and she showed him the love letters. It seems that this journalist was integral to a negotiation in which MacArthur didn't get away with stranding Isabel financially. $15,000 is said to have been the amount of settlement. Using an on-line inflation calculator this would be about $325,000 today. General Douglas MacArthur wanted the woman he once wished to possess to move back to the Philippines but she did not.

Now she did sail back to Manila for a visit. Then in 1936 when she was about twenty-six, she arrived in Seattle, Washington state, from Manila and she would never again set foot in the Philippines. She claimed American citizenship based on her father's American citizenship.

"It is telling that MacArthur's last communication with Isabel Cooper includes both a ticket and a job ad.  The classified ad column - "For women" - lists a variety of occupations deemed appropriate for women in 1934, ranging from commission sales and demonstrations of various products (food, Christmas cars, cosmetics), care taking for a young attorney and son), food services, nursing, and office work.  It reflects his thinking that Isabel Cooper was a kept woman, no more, that there would be no more generosity to support her life of leisure. Isabel Cooper could get a job. (Excerpt pages 25-26)

Missy here:  This makes my blood boil. It tells me that General Douglas MacArthur was a narcissist. He was the seducer and he was the one who abandoned her. However beautiful or charming she was, Isabel was very young and he was old enough to know better. He wanted to use up her youth and vitality and derail her career and the way he treated her, the whole Go Get a Job thing is insulting and horrible. 


"The domestic arrangements are tacit, but clear; MacArthur relies on his mother to provide him with the comforts of home while he ensures her well being. He turns to Isabel Cooper for sex and emotional fulfillment, but also to buttress his fragile ego.  Her role is not just to be adored but also to admire him.  Her presence is an indicator of his virility. Even though she is not officially his hostess, enough people in Washington know of her presence to conclude that MacArthur's sexual prowess must reflect his military rank."  (Excerpt page 26)

Instead, in 1938, she married a law student who she had met while living in Washington D.C. Franklin Kennamer. The Great Depression had begun in 1929 and World War II is coming. The marriage doesn't last. She has gone from being Isabel Kennamer to Belle Cooper.

But by 1941ish Belle Cooper was living in Hollywood, ready to give her career as an actor, dancer, and singer another whirl and took on another name for acting. She asked the same journalist who had helped her get a settlement from MacArthur for any help he might have - any connections he could offer. She continued to report into him and by 1951 when she was 40ish she had finally landed a film role of some significance in "I Was An American Spy." The film's story touches her personal life with MacArthur because he was the person who gave the Medal of Honor to the woman who was the spy during World War II. This worries her and she begins to reinvent the relationship, considering him to have been a father figure. However, the film was not successful and this was the best role she ever got.

Three months after her divorce from Kennamer, she married again, in 1944, to Milton Moreno. And then again in 1946 - no divorce between them recorded. She is thirty-seven. There is no record of this man in her life. Her may have been a batterer. There were reports of her showing up to work with bruises. Did he take off?

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights.

Thursday, March 16, 2023



"On the ninth of December, 1930, a young woman disembarks from the President Fillmore, which has just docked in New York City after a long ocean voyage. Isabel Cooper has finally arrived from Manila, having come to the United States at the behest of her lover, General Douglas MacArthur.  She is eighteen, or twenty-one, or somewhere in between.

She follows a trail of love letters strewn across the Pacific, written by MacArthur and posted from Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Tokyo, Honolulu, and San Francisco.  They mark his route home after being recalled from his two-year assignment as the commanding general of the Philippines Department.  They also mark the intensity of his ardor for the charming, worldly Filipina performer he had met the year before.  (How worldly could she be as a barely legal woman in 1930?)

Just weeks before Isabel Cooper's arrival, the fifty-one year old MacArthur is promoted to the rank of general, ordered to Washington, D.C. and appointed by President Herbert Hoover as the chief of staff of the United States Army.

MacArthur installs Isabel Cooper in a suite at the Chasleton Hotel, conveniently near his State, War, and Navy Building office.  His redoubtable mother, Pinky, lives with him in the official chief-of-staff residence in Fort Meyer, Virginia.  He lavishes Isabel Cooper with gifts, mostly clothes. Their liaison is not a secret to Washington insiders -- it is his mother that he wants to keep in the dark."  (pages 15-16)

(Her letters back to him do not exist.  Did he destroy them?)

Quoting one of the letters Douglas wrote to her:

"My love encompasses you and enshrines you deep in my heart... I kiss your dear lips and press your soft body to my own... I long for you so that the memory makes me feel ill and faint." (page 19)

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot   All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Monday, March 13, 2023


This image comes from a brief news item that appeared in November 2017 in an
on-line newspaper called Philstar Global. Learned that date taken and photographer are unknown. It also appears in Empire's Mistress starring Isabel Rosario Cooper as a black and white copy. Even from afar one can see the dimples that gave her that nickname.

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Vernadette Vicuna Gonzalez ask us not to reduce Isabel to the stereotypes of a tragic mixed-race concubine or seductress. She says this has happened in other books, the books for instance that are part of the YouTube video I posted. To be fair, I think each author tried to envision her and understand her role in General MacArthur's life, as their own gender and time and place and personal limitations allowed. So be it a powerful older man who treats a 'petulant and spoiled' younger woman to tea gowns, kimonos, and black lingerie' or whose existence in his life threatens his career, Gonzalez asks us to look deeper.

(Notes and observations having read pages 2-3)

Did Isabel, lonely and neglected despite being Kept, go out and seduce other men for fun?

A little time out here:  After so many years reading and researching and writing around the subject of Mistresses here at Mistress Manifesto, the idea that a Mistress is the seductress, the idea that she always ends up in a tragedy, is not new to me. That Isabel Rosario Cooper is portrayed this way is no surprise to me. Implied is that women who have relationships with men who are already married or who do not marry them end up punished in some way, such as being murdered or ending in suicide. You will find several of those women in these pages.

So at this time I want to remind my readers that so much of our perceptions about mistresses come from books and books tend to be about exceptional people and extraordinary situations, of which being a Mistress is one of those. Overall, it's difficult to find information on those mistresses who were not exceptional people in extraordinary situations. That is why I say that the most successful of them may be people we never hear about. There are people who are happy with their station in life, whatever it happens to be, and that includes some wives and mistresses who willingly man share. It is an assumption that every woman wants marriage and a traditional marriage at that. It's also an assumption that a mistress is a kind of prostitute, there for the sex, with a thin veneer of a relationship keeping her and a lover together.

My feeling about Isabel Rosario Cooper so far is that she was likely influenced by coming from the Philippines, which to this day is quite mixed-race and also dominated by Catholic traditionalism. To this day a woman uniting with a much older man is not thought badly of there overall. Some of the women do seek marriage with American men who are older. Rather an older established man who can provide is considered a plus and American men know this. I know of more than one woman of Philippine heritage here in the United States who has, with the approval of her father, been a mistress. One of these women seemed especially servile. I knew that she had also been a mistress to a Hollywood producer previously and that her then-current man had also had mistresses in the past who left the relationship when marriage was not forthcoming. So I hoped this woman was not waiting for him to marry her. By servile I mean that she waited on him, cooking and serving food, and basically acted in-wait to his needs. Consider that if he was not going to marry her, those years she lived her life around him were years in which she was not getting an education or developing a career. 


Friday, March 10, 2023


So far away, closer to Australia than the United States. A country made up of thousands of islands, glorious white sand beaches, and today many resorts that feature dwellings that are over shallow clear waters.   

According to Wikipedia, "The Philippines was ruled under the Mexico-based Viceroyalty of New Spain.  After this, the colony was directly governed by Spain.  Spanish rule ended in 1898 with Spain's defeat in the Spanish-American War.  The Philippines then became a territory of the United States.

Thursday, March 9, 2023



Back in February 2011 - twelve years ago! - here at MISTRESS MANIFESTO, this was the headline for my first post about Alina and in recent weeks she has finally spoken.  Alina says Putin is a nice man and she loves him. That month she was Mistress of the Month and it was dedicated to her.

What happened is that, due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the reporters have all been trying to find out more about Putin's personal life, which he has always kept private. Locating a gorgeous house that displays his wealth, but which he says he does not personally own, Alina was also located.  It appears that she is living on the property in a house of her own, very much the Lover next door. These reports have been all over the Internet, with Daily Mail On Line (Daily Mail UK) perhaps having the scoop.

The rhythmic gymnast is a champion athlete and also quite beautiful. She is also a patriot of Russia. From a womanly point of view, I think it's wonderful that she is happy and has achieved a romantic whirl of a relationship.  However, one always does wonder how much she knows or understands about Russia's destruction of Ukraine and its people.  I would wonder about her as I have wondered about Adolph Hitler's long time mistress Eva Braun.  You see, maybe this is erroneous but Eva has not been considered highly intelligent while Alina Kabaeva (also spelled Kabayeva) is certainly highly intelligent. Yet, far from the warfront in a palace, she may be kept ignorant or devote herself more to the man than the country.



P.S.  You can find those posts in my archives.  You may also want to use the word Russia in the search feature of this blog to see what else I've posted in the many years that I've been researching and writing MISTRESS MANIFESTO !

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


I chose this video among a few about Isabel Rosario Cooper and Douglas MacArthur because of the quotes taken from other books on MacArthur that admit to Isabel's existence, as well as because there are photographs and video of her.  The book by Vernadette Vicuna Gonzalez has created new interest in the woman.  According to this YouTube poster, MacArthur sacrificed his Presidential ambitions over his love affair... 

It seems to me the whole thing cost her more.

Sunday, March 5, 2023


 A flower of the Philippines.

Thursday, March 2, 2023


General Douglas MacArthur is the American Military leader who was in the Army, and successful in what was called the Phillipine Campaign, an effort to keep the Japanese out of East Asia. He uttered the famous words "I shall return." (And he did.) But when he left the Phillipines in 1929 between World War I and World War II, he asked Isabel Rosario Cooper, his much younger Mistress to come back to the United States with him.


"Dimples Cooper"

1914* to 1960

In 1929 when the General was recalled to the United States, to San Francisco, and left Manila, he sent Elizabeth love letters. In 1930, MacArthur was asked to serve as as U.S. President Herbert Hoover's Chief of Staff. MacArthur asked Elizabeth to move to Washington, D.C. so they could continue their romance. She was a film actress and singer, who performed in vaudeville acts also as a dancer, and is sometimes called a showgirl. She first appeared on stage at the age of five.

Born to a Scottish father and Chinese-Filipina mother, called Eurasian, Isabel was young - about eighteen or twenty (she may have fibbed about her age a bit) and he, born in 1880, was fiftyish. They were introduced at a party where he is said to have fallen in love instantly at the sight of her beauty and femininity. Called "Dimples Cooper" she was famous for being the first actress in the Philippine films for performing on on-screen kiss in 1926, daring at the time but just a kiss. For her his invitation was a decision to leave her home country and a promising career. His love letters to her survive but hers to him do not. Actions speak louder than words.  She moved to D.C.  He set her up in a 'love nest' in the nation's capitol.

The General came from an American pioneer family and spent his life in the military; begining with a military school education and top of the class at West Point; World War I, World War II, and Korea. He married a woman named Louise Cromwell Brooks, called a socialite, in 1922, and divorced seven years later, childless. His military career was illustrious, however, it seems he had little time to be a husband.  And so he met Isabel Rosario Cooper at a time when he was leaving a marriage. Or was she the reason for the divorce?

According to author Vernadette VIcuna Gonzalez, Isabel has been erased from any recounting of Douglas MacArthur's life. I muse that perhaps this is because his international fame was so much greater than anything she achieved or perhaps it is because he himself did not openly admit to having had her in his life. He wrote a book about his life and did not include her. I went on numerous sites about him, and these sites detail his power and might in military actions, but it's true there's no mention of Isabel in them. Some do not even mention he was ever married.  Britannica, Wikipedia... Perhaps it's because he came from a culture, a time and place, in which only legal wives were honored with acknowledgements. Or he intended to always keep her hidden away. I did watch a number of YouTube videos that were uploaded after this book came out, and I'll be posting one that quotes from a few books about MacArthur that do include at least bits and pieces about Isabel. Sadly, it's suggested she was only in place for sexuality. It's even said that he only bought her clothes to wear indoors and in bed.

There is another aspect to this story and that is Isabel Rosario Cooper also only spent about ten percent of her life with this man, but her only claim to fame is because of her association with him. Make no mistake about it, she was with a national hero in the United States but also her native Phillipines. One wonders if or who knew about Isabel during their involvement and if there was a conspiracy or silence or his fellows just thought it was none of their business what he did when he was off work.  (If so, I agree with that. I don't believe we should take our personal lives much into our working life.)

I wonder if Douglas meant to shelter Isabel, to have a private life that was protected from media and fame for both of them, or if he was ashamed to have not married her. It could be said that she made a sacrifice to be with him. Certainly various authors have made their claims and assumptions about his sexuality or even his relationship with his mother.

Sadly, it seems that the General wanted to hide her away. Reading this story I was reminded of another Mistress that I profiled here at Mistress Manifesto Blogspot, Marita Lorenz, who as a young woman was involved with Cuba's military and political leader, Fidel Castro.  She too was left waiting for his visits, almost a captive. Well, Douglas was gone a lot, and so Isabel went out to night clubs and kept herself busy. She was a young vital woman and perhaps also the thirty years in age between them has become a problem.

Their relationship is estimated to have lasted five years. (However, I do think that is an estimate!) May of 1934 is marked as the time in which she finally moved out of the hotel and into a rooming house; this has to be a downgrade and perhaps suggests he's no longer keeping her.  Much of their relationship was spent entertaining herself, even traveling to Cuba for vacation, as he is gone, out of the country, in Europe, taking care of business and accepting accolades, without her by his side. He may also have been offended at her pleas to him to help certain of her family members. One article I read (not this book) suggested she had actually been evicted from the hotel and moved to New York City and into another hotel due to an enemy of MacArthur's who wanted to expose him for political reasons. Be it that she was angry with him or she needed money, according to this book, she showed her love letters and managed to get $15,000 from him which she was supposed to use to move back to the Philippines.

In 1937 MacArthur married Jean Faircloth, a marriage that brought an only child into the world a year later - in Manila!

After MacArthur, Isabel did not have an easy life. She didn't move back to the Philippines. She did not succeed to become an actress in American films though she had a number of minor background roles as a servant and minimal speaking parts after the end of their relationship. By coming to MacArthur, she left her entertainment career behind. She had two husbands and died of a sleeping pill overdose that was considered suicide at the age of forty-six.

Isabel's body rests in an unmarked grave in Holy Cross Cemetery in Los Angeles (the burial ground for Hollywood greats such as Bing Crosby and Rita Hayworth) while MacArthur rests in a Norfolk, Virginia mausoleum which is a pilgrimage site.

As Vernadette Vicina Gonzalez brings Isabel back to us in her book, I will attempt to also honor her here as our Mistress of the Month.

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights.

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Wednesday, March 1, 2023