Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Monday, January 30, 2023


According to Author Debbie Applegate, in her book Madam, the biography of Polly Adler, a famous New York City Madam who eventually retired to - of all places! - Burbank, California, Polly may have been involved in a cover-up related to actor George Reeve's shooting.

George Reeves is one of the few men I've elected to cover here at Mistress Manifesto, as he was kept by the wife of a Hollywood "fixer," and there was some controversy over his death, which was ruled a suicide.  May 2013 is the month and you can find that in my archives! GEORGE REEVES : SUPERMAN AND KEPT MAN : SO WHAT?  HIS LADY'S HUSBAND HAD A MISTRESS TOO!

Polly Adler had been a Madam in New York City most of her life and was entwined with many mobsters - organized criminal. By September 1945, older and wealthy enough, she arrived in Los Angeles 'the land of reinvention' for a fresh start. In this book excerpt, we learn that she had many a friend from the old days in the city and that Burbank was itself a town full of corruption. Show business had moved from New York to Hollywood and Las Vegas was becoming the show business and vice capital of the United States, while Palm Springs became the 'hideaway' for gangsters and others who wanted their privacy. Los Angeles also now had the second largest Jewish population in the country so Polly had her people. Polly, however, bought a two bedroom house - small - in Burbank. Not so far from where the mobster Mickey Cohen (second to Bugsy Siegel - who was included here because in March 2013 the month was for VIRGINIA HILL : THE FLAMINGO : ONE OF THE MOST INFAMOUS MISTRESSES EVER!

While Polly would eventually graduate in 1959 from LA City College and go on to write a best-seller about her life in the underworld, here is the excerpt regarding George and Leonore Lemmon!

Excerpt Pages 465-466 

Leonore Lemmon, the brunette beauty who'd once reigned as the belligerent bad girl of Café Society...

She had known Polly well during the war years.  It was long rumored that Lemmon had occasionally gone on paid dates for Polly as cash-strapped, publicity seeking party girl.  Now thirty-six years old and no longer such a hot ticket, she'd recently become engaged to the actor George Reeves, known to children everywhere as the star of the Superman television series.  Now Leonore was living with Reeves in Los Angeles, where she'd renewed her friendship with Polly.

Like all Lemmon's romantic relationships, it was tempestuous.  One May 4, 1959, Walter Winchell reported that Leonore claimed that one of Reeve's former girlfriends had 'threatened her with a .45 in Beverly Hills."  As usual, Winchell was on to something.

A little after midnight on June 16, George Reeves was killed by a single gunshot in his upstairs bedroom.  Downstairs, Leonore had been drinking heavily with Polly's old friend Bob Condon (their houseguest at the time) and his current fling, Carol Van Ronkel.  Carol was the wife of a B-movie actor and screenwriter named Alford "Rip" Van Ronkel (also a warm friend of Polly's)

How Reeves was shot and by whom would be a matter of heated dispute and frantic cover-up. The L.A. police declared it a suicide, as did Leonore, but some insiders claimed it was murder. Near the end of her life, Leonore told a young reporter a different version of the story than she told the cops, one that placed Polly at the center of the tumultuous night.

In this late-life tale, Lemmon confessed that she didn't call the police right away when they discovered Reeve's body. Instead, she went to rouse Bob Condon and Carol Von Ronkel from the guest bedroom so that Carol wouldn't be caught in Bob's bed. But the wanton wife was too soused to move.

In a perverse testament to a lifetime of cool competence, a desperate Leonore called Polly for help. "You better get Bobby out of here, would you please?" she pleaded..  "He's in bed with a friend of mine."

Even in ill health, Polly, 'that tough old broad' helped into her car and drove from Burbank to Reeve's home in Benedict Canyon. What exactly transpired when she got there was understandably garbled. By best account, Polly left Bob there, since he was their houseguest, but managed to wrap the negligee-clad Carol in a coat and spirit her out of the house (it was hardly her first time moving a dead-eyed drunk), leaving Leonore to face the police.

It was Polly's final recorded escapade in eluding the law.  By Leonor's lights, she carried it off magnificently.


I read the book cover to cover and thought Debby Applegate did an outstanding job or researching and writing it. (She got the Pulitzer prize for an earlier work.). 

Friday, January 27, 2023


 The reporters called him.... for a statement...they knew there was a story there. Nelson got to be a pal bearer.

I looked at some other sites regarding Jeanette's death and it seems there is reason to believe that Nelson was kept away... or the final hospitalization was bungled in some way. It strikes me that Jeanette was not a healthy woman or strong in body in general. Anyone woman who has had so many pregnancies and miscarriages would have had some permanent damage, I think.

Her story makes me sad.

Monday, January 23, 2023


From YouTube poster Angela Messino.

The more I read about their love story, the more upset I become.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


Commentary from Missy:

Nelson Eddy was at the top of the entertainment world in 1938.  He was also waiting for Jeanette MacDonald to go through with filing a divorce from Gene Raymond.  She had every reason to, in love with Nelson or not. 

Excerpt: Page 237 from Sweethearts by Sharon Rich

At year's end, the inevitable motion picture polls were tabulated.  The Brisbane Courier-Mail announced that in a film star popularity contest, covering all of Australia, Jeanette had placed first for women (with Shirley Temple second), and Nelson was second for men (after Robert Taylor).  In the Unite States, Nelson polled first in many fan magazines as top radio star, tio classical singer and top male movie star.  Furthermore, he was acclaimed as the highest =paid singer in the world, and the top wage earner in motion pictures, thanks to his radio and concert activity.  He was not commanding $15000 per concert and $5000 a week for singing a few songs on the Chase and Sanborne show.  Jeanette also won fanzine contests and more important, in a poll of fifty major newspapers across the country culled by the New York Daily News, Jeannette won as most popular actress with 59,608 votes.  (The male winner was Tyrone Power with 89,647 votes.)

( $15000 1938 dollars is about $252,196.49 according to the U.S. Inflation Calculator. $5000 a week is about $84,065.50.)

Commentary from Missy:

Nelson Eddy, as it could be said was the case with Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond, had a domineering mother.  She had resisted Jeanette as a wife for her son at first but came to like her and believe in their romance.  However, she, like the other mothers, had been called into the studio and told to get their offspring in line with the demands of their contracts. 

When would Nelson truly give up on having Jeanette as wife?

When she failed to follow through on a divorce, Nelson called it quits again, raging at Mayer that he did not want to work with Jeanette again.

Excerpt: Page 239

Jeanette reported wearily to the studio on the morning of January 20, 1939.  She had two numbers to finish, then her work on the film was done.  (The film was Broadway Serenade.) She had not seen a morning paper by the time she arrived at the set, nor had anyone volunteered the startling news that was now circulating at the spread like wildfire.  A studio messenger came on to the set to end the speculation  Yes, it was true, Nelson Eddy had eloped with Ann Franklin in Las Vegas yesterday.  The news had come as a surprise to everyone, including Mayer, who was furious.  Jeanette screamed in horror and ran off the set, sobbing. The entire crew was silent in shock. Until now, sympathies among the crew had tended to be with Nelson. Studio workers who perceived what they thought were Jeannette's roller- coaster emotions towards Nelson, felt that he'd had it pretty touch,  But now...

Commentary from Missy:

Jeanette locked herself up in her dressing room. She had taken an overdose of sleeping pills. She was semi-conscience and calling out for Nelson.

Excerpt Page 239:  Suddenly Mayer appeared at the door.  He rushed to see Jeanette and tenderly took her hand.  Crying real tears, Mayer sobbed, "Jeanette baby, I never meant to hurt you!  Like your own father I wanted what was good for you.  Speak to me  Be a good girl and speak to me!" 

When there was no response, he turned to Woody, "It's that baritone's fault.  It's him. He's doing this to my beautiful star:  To Woody's surprise, Mayer picked Jeanette up and carried her to a waiting car...

Jeanette's stomach was pumped..... Gene was ordered to keep a suicide watch...


Commentary from Missy:

Upon returning from a tour, Nelson asked Ann for a divorce.  They had married in Vegas by a Justice of the Peace and he had been drinking.  She said no.  

Isabel Eddy, Nelson's mother, handed over his diary - letter that was to Jeanette, in which he claimed he had been, in so many words, snookered into marrying Ann and regretted it. He claims he could not go through with sex with Ann and would never touch another woman.  In truth it is unlikely that he never had another affair and though he and his wife had separate bedrooms it is also unlikely that they never had sex.  His concert tours and film work kept him away from home a lot.  Ann was determined to keep her marriage though she was jealous of his love for Jeanette.  His marriage changed her.  She would put up boundaries she never had before, but he was just more determined to get her back.  Just several months after his marriage, the two were to film 'Bittersweet."  

Ann Franklin - Eddy (born Ann Denitz - her first husband being director Sidney Franklin) asserted her dominance over her legally wed husband, Nelson Eddy.  Born into a  prosperous Jewish family and seven years older than Nelson, she was raised to be a lady but her first marriage had ended after an episode of partner-swapping. She has a son born of Franklin. She said she didn't care what Mayer wanted and would not allow Nelson to work with Jeanette again. He knew otherwise. However, Ann may have also threatened to blackmail Nelson if a divorce lead to telling all the ugly truths in court.  It would seem that Nelson had gotten himself a domineering wife.

Once World War II broke out in Europe Hollywood scandals did not take the headlines as they once had.  Nelson and Jeanette both knew they could never give up on each other completely, though their relationship would take many forms and disguises.  Perhaps their spouses felt the same.  Gene Raymond earned well, it's just that Jeanette earned five times as much.  He might have felt he had some duty as a husband but continued to keep a homosexual life.  Ann Eddy had her marriage to a top Hollywood star to keep, which kept her prestige and living in wealth, even if she didn't have him to herself.

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Commentary by Missy:

From a Western contemporary perspective, at a time when alternative lifestyles and a range of sexualities and genders are payed out, it's impossible for me to believe that Jeanette MacDonald, who in her early thirties had already had at least two other lovers of some duration, including her business manager, before Nelson Eddy, would not have slept with Gene Raymond, her actor husband to be, before she married him. She reportedly tried to convince herself that she loved him. Her honeymoon with him revealed the truth.

It's not impossible for me to think that the manipulative Louis B. Mayer would have wanted to provide a 'cover' for Gene's homosexuality because it's not possible for me to think that Mayer did not know that Gene Raymond was gay, but did he actually think that Jeanette would not continue to see Nelson - or avoid having sex with other men - when she figured it out?  Gene is often called bi-sexual.  Well, maybe...

According to Sharon Rich, the author of Sweethearts, not only had Jeanette been unhappy with the very idea of marrying Gene, but she may have had an affair with another opera singer co-star on "The Firefly" while Nelson was away on tour. She also regretted that she had married Gene almost at once.  

Nelson had returned from a concert tour and sought her out. The night before her wedding, Nelson showed up and again begged her to reconsider, saying she did not have to do it, that he could handle Mayer and they could go on in their careers without him and MGM.  Finally he gave in to the inevitable but his emotions were raw.

The wedding had the feeling of a movie premier. As Jeanette arrived to the Wilshire Methodist Church, 10,000 plus fans showed up to watch the proceedings from outside the church. Two-hundred police were out there trying to crowd control. MGM pubic relations people were there to inform the reporters so the details could be reported in every newspaper. Motorcycle cops escorted the couple away.

Nelson had been ordered to sing for the wedding...

During the vows he was heard sobbing...

Excerpt: Page 186

Jeanette had a good week left to shoot on The Firefly, then she an Gene joined another newlywed couple, Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers, on a honeymoon cruise to Hawaii.  They sailed on the Lurline and the press was informed that they would vacation for two months.  Before the Lurline docked, however, the Hollywood press was abuzz with a scandal so hot they couldn't print it. Everyone from Mae Mann to Walter Winchell knew the scoop and was itching to spill it, but at a cost to their jobs, their eager lips were sealed.

The Lurline in the 1930's docked in Honolulu - Picture from Wikimedia

Jeanette and Gene had taken two cabins on the Lurline, while Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers shared a double room.  Mary, already an alcoholic, spent much o the voyage in her cups, and it was widely known that she still held a flame for her ex-husband Douglas Fairbanks.  Jeanette, on the other hand, who'd apparently married for love, rarely left her room and was said to be "crying her eyes out.:"And for good reason too: there was a honeymoon going on -- but the ones sleeping together were Gene Raymond and Buddy Rogers. 

Excerpt: Page 189

Jeanette learned of Gene's bisexuality, as it turned out, on their honeymoon.  She was shocked.  A woman who had prided herself on being so careful - doing the right thing, finding the perfect husband for herself - now found that she had been deceived in the most ludicrous way,... The irony of her situation was that, in the eyes of the world, she was considered the epitome of innocent love...  They decided to stay married, ... and the truth is that there were many marriages in Hollywood, so-called 'working relationships," where both parties concentrated on their careers, living separate private lives....

(But her mother had known and had chosen not to tell Jeanette.)

(Nelson made an effort to date others.)


In 1938 at a time when Nelson was up nights thinking about Jeanette and his loss of her, Gene was arrested having been caught with another man.  Jeanette made a run for Nelson's where he and his mother were up, apparently so upset she was passing out. Jeanette paid $1000 in bribe (over $20,000 in 2022 money) to not record the arrest.  She did that without consulting the MGM lawyers or fixers. And about six months in, after that arrest, Jeanette filed for divorce, though that would go against the morals clause in her studio contract.  Jeanette decided to follow Nelson on part of his concert tour and sometimes got up on stage to sing a duet with him.

Excerpt: Page 215

Meanwhile the two stars had some time to themselves, Nelson was so pleased at Jeanette's apparent willingness to put him first before her career -- at least temporarily-- that he rapidly made plans for their future together.  He surprised her by handing her the key to a small, newly built house in Burbank at 812 Mariposa.  Set way back from the street it was on a dirt road overlooking the Los Angeles River, next door to the stables where their horses were kept....

...Nelson also took over a hunting lodge in the Angeles Forest... It was a perfect setting --- a forty-five minute drive from Burbank but like entering another world" mountains, pine trees, huge rocks water and sometimes even a bit of snow in the winter.  Their privacy was assured by a gated entry and a ranger station was just across the dirt road.

..Yet  a third hideaway was located closest to home, in Beverly Hills, off Benedict ,,,,  The house couldn't be seen from the street and was protected by both guard and gate.  Nelson had leased "Mists" in 1937, using it as a second home for himself and Isabel (his mother).


Once pregnant earlier in their courtship, during the filming of "Sweethearts," Jeanette found herself pregnant for a second time in January of 1938. Nelson and she conspired to find a way to get this baby born without Mayer knowing.  However, she miscarried at about five months, and both she and Nelson were devastated.

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  
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Monday, January 16, 2023


Commentary by Missy (notice my notes!) :

When Jeanette MacDonald would not call off her wedding to Gene Raymond, a marriage that Louis B. Mayer expected of her, Nelson Eddy and the famous actor Clark Gable became drinking buddies.  The two sometimes went missing for a couple days.  Nelson's mother Isabel Eddy was called in to control him.

To think that these two stars in 1936 were in their early thirties and the studio had their mothers controlling them like they were teenagers!  (They would also call in Gene Norman's mother!)

Filming scenes in which they had to sing romantic and heartbreaking songs almost Jeanette and Nelson in.  They could not pull it off without crying and were eventually threatened with pay suspensions if they didn't stop the crying and get the scene right. The scene used in the film, 'Maytime,' is the result of many takes and many edits.

This image is from 1937 per Wikipedia

Excerpt: Page 173  On filming 'Maytime.'

The "Will You Remember? (Sweetheart) number was a nightmare to film.  Nelson, resigned at last to losing Jeanette forever, could not sing and look at her without crying.  ....

As the year 1936 drew to a close, Nelson made another attempt to get Jeanette back.  He'd never forgotten Clark Gable's brilliant idea about 'buying Gene off. So one Sunday, he impulsively called his banker, and insisted on meeting him to pick up a suitcase of cash - all the money he could get his hands on immediately. Nelson went to see Raymond and offered him $250,000 not to go through with the wedding. (That's in 1936 dollars, According to the U.S. Inflation Calculator in 2022 it would be $5,170,935.25!To his amazement, Gene agreed. Some funds exchanged hands, with the condition that the rest would be paid after an official announcement came from the studio that the marriage was off.

(Gene returned the money saying that because of Mayer the wedding could not be called off.)

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved Including Internet and International Rights

Saturday, January 14, 2023


According to Sharon Rich, the author of Sweethearts, Louis B. Mayer objected to Jeanette MacDonald going back to Nelson Eddy who he called "that god damn baritone." Mayer called her in and told her it was over between her and Nelson and go back to Gene Raymond.  Apparently, though Nelson blamed her mother, it was Mayer who was behind the marriage. At the end of her life, Jeannette's mother admitted she had been wrong about Nelson and that she'd mess up Jeanette's life. Nelson had begged her mother to agree that Jeanette could marry him, even telling her he would not restrict her visiting with Jeanette or demand that Jeanette stop supporting her...

Excerpt : Page 170

One would think that Mayer would be delighted that his two 'singing sweethearts" were in love.  But Mayer didn't see things that way. "Anticipation is greater than consummation," was Mayer's philosophy, explained Sandy Reiss. "On the screen the dynamics became more powerful.  By keeping them apart, Mayer kept the passion high."  Mayer also feared that if the two married they would soon after land in the divorce courts and he would have no team left...

In an attempt to force Jeannette's hand, Mayer resorted to posting security police by her dressing room so she couldn't meet intimately with Nelson.  Her mother, meantime, monitored her movements away from the studio. When Jeannette still refused to break up with Nelson, Mayer began threatening more that simply her career, "Mayer told Jeanette they'd put Nelson in a cement overcoat," ... "And they would blind him. He's be a blind baritone, and would never see again."

(The author retells stories of other famous stars who bore the wraith of Mayer who put them out of the business, including silent screen star Lillian Gish.)

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Friday, January 13, 2023


 Jeanette MacDonald was often seen wearing an orchid pinned to her dress.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Commentary by Missy:

Nelson Eddy romanced Jeanette MacDonald, especially by sending gorgeous bouquets and gifting exquisite jewelry.  He asked her to marry him and set a date - repeatedly.  He thought the interference of Louis B. Mayer into their lives was ridiculous. Jeanette rebuffed him. She was not a woman without experience and she had reservations about love and marriage lasting. Though she was thought of as the ultimate "good girl" by the public, a perfectionist on set who thought of herself as cautious, Jeanette met Nelson for trysts at a little cabin in Lake Arrowhead.  She was clearly finding him desirable and interesting.

For reasons that can and cannot be explained, she would marry Gene Raymond and stay married to him until she died. 

Jeanette had two smash hit movies one after another and was the top female actress and movie star at the time, and we can understand that her ambition was to continue her career and perhaps achieve more greatness and more wealth. She did not wish to walk away while on top and into marriage.  It's almost as if, despite the reportage that she did not know, that she did know she was entering into a White Marriage (translation here of the French term Mariage Blac) and that she could continue to have sex, unmarried, with Nelson Eddy - or in the future some other man. 

Her life seems to be the classic case of 'you can't have it all.' Her personal life would forever suffer. Jeanette had also had a serious personal relationship that included living together with her manager, Robert Ritchie, who was abusive to her.  She had doubts about marriage and seemed to have more than one man on the string, and perhaps this was her way of avoiding commitment or even avoiding being left to be alone.  Speculations on my part, I realized.

Excerpt: Page 161  from Sweethearts by Sharon Rich

Jeanette and Nelson were in a deadlock.  Nelson desperately wanted to marry her, with no delay, and she was willing, but only if he allowed her to continue in her career full time.  Again, he refused .  His own possessiveness, combined with his acute awareness of the ridiculousness of Mayer's ultimatums and the lengths to which he had affected their relationship, kept him from his love.  Very soon, his own stubborness and the rage he had struggled so long to control would cost him dearly.  The day finally came when Jeanette felt she could no longer tolerate his irrational sexual attacks.

On August 20, 1936, Anna MacDonald announced publically that her daughter Jeanette was engaged to marry Gene Raymond.


Jeanette and Nelson began filing film 'Maytime' when she became engaged, the early film that featured a song called 'Will You Remember '(Sweetheart).  Both had operatic songs to sing in the film and they worked eighteen hour days. Nelson watched over her, since this grueling schedule was too much.  She let her manager Robert Ritchie know that he was still her manager.

Excerpt: Page 165 

Kroeger (Steve Kroeger, a friend of Robert Ritchie) was so amazed at Jeanette's unhappiness over her engagement that he suggested to Bob that he might still have a chance to win her back. Ritchie appears to have taken Kroeger's advice to heart.  He continued to remind Jeanette that he still loved her and would be there for her if Gene Raymond didn't work out. Ritchie continued to hope for the best until a week before Jeanette's marriage, but his family maintains that he never got over her.


Commentary by Missy:

'Maytime', which was filmed at great expense in Technicolor, suffered when the director Irving Thalberg unexpected died at only age 37 of pnuemonia. 75% of the film was scrapped and they had to start all over.  New cast were hired, songs were scrapped, and the budget was reduced so that it would have to be filmed in black and white

Nelson and Jeannette managed to be civil to one another on the set, however, Gene Raymond was around and Nelson had a number of women visiting him in his trailer dressing room on breaks. He was the equivalent of a rock star in his time and perhaps Jeanette wondered if he really could live a lifetime faithful to her. Nelson was not beyond trying to make her jealous.

Excerpt: Page 168 

Smiling, Nelson left.  But he didn't want to go home, so he decided to catch up on some letters left in his portable dressing room. To get there , he had to walk through the fairgrounds set.  A single light nearby added an eerie glow to the scene.  The stillness and beauty of the set charmed him, and he sat down under a tree and closed his eyes.  Suddenly, a sound startled him.  He jumped up to see who was there, and smelled her perfume before he ever saw her.  Jeanette called out fearfully," Is anyone there?" Nelson was silent.  He waited until she recognized him, then wordlessly started to walk away.

In later yeas, many commented to Nelson about the Beautiful, "Will You Remember?" love scene filmed under that tree.  Once, after Nelson's tongue had been loosened with a few drinks, he told a close friend, "Yeah, Well you should hear what really happened under that tree!"

According to Nelson's own account, Jeanette stopped him and tried to convince him that they could still be friends.  "It's not friendship I want from you," he retorted. "You've made your choice." He again started to walk away but she threw himself at him.

"This time she seduced me!" Nelson concluded proudly.


Commentary by Missy:  Their affair resumed.  Gene Raymond and Jeanette's mother were banished from the set.

Excerpt  Page 169 :  They spent the night under the tree, returning at last to her dressing room before dawn, ...  It was obvious to the crew that their relationship had suddenly and drastically changed...

How this all fit in with Jeanette's marriage plans is a mystery.  Jeanette apparently wasn't thinking about the future, she just impulsively threw caution to the winds....  Nelson termed these final days of 1936 of 1936 the time "when we were in lust with each other." He alluded to the act that previously he had always felt he had to hold back a little in their lovemaking for fear of overwhelming her with his passion, and because she was physically frail.  Now, suddenly, things had changed.  Nelson delighted in her new aggressiveness.  "No woman has ever satisfied me as she does," Nelson told Sandy Reiss (one of Jeanette's friends). "It goes beyond sex."

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All RIghts Reserved Including Internet and International Rights

Monday, January 9, 2023


Sharon Rich's book Sweethearts begins with this devastating opening scene.

Excerpt: Pages 1-2

As the sun was setting, Jeanette and Nelson went to their favorite spot overlooking Lake Tahoe, where they performed a sentimental wedding ceremony.  Jeanette sand, 'Indian Love Call,' a song they'd made famous then they knelt together and promised to love, honor, and cherish each other forever. Their vows were performed without witnesses and without a clergyman.  They were renewing the pledge of love they'd exchanged eight summers before in 1935, at this very place, while filming their second movie together, Rose Marie.

But now it had to be done in secret because legally and in the public eye, each was happily married to someone else.  A series of incredible events had prevented their wedding from ever taking place and had hurtled them into lifestyles from which they now could not extricate themselves.  By necessity they lived double lives --- a roller-coaster ride with moments of great passion countered by even longer stretches of agonizing separation.  Sometimes the burden was too difficult to bear; they'd battled back from numerous breakdowns and suicide attempts during their years together.  

That is why now in the final days of 1943, they needed to get away from the world and reaffirm their love and their faith in a God they trusted to somehow, someday, make things right for them.

Jeanette took a ring off her finger and handed it to Nelson.  It was a stunner --- an emerald surrounded by diamond that had cost him $40,000 in 1935.  Sometimes she wore it in public on her wedding finger - more often on a chain around her neck. "Your dear life is bound to me forever," Nelson said as he slipped the ring back onto her finger and kissed her.

They returned to their "honeymoon" cabin.  Nelson tenderly calling Jeanette 'my wife." After dinner, they discussed several topics, including the state of their careers, then retired to their separate Rooms.  Recently, they had been keeping things on a "spiritual' level, because intimacy brought with it such a devastating letdown when they were forced to part......


Commentary by Missy"

Suicide attempts!  This sounds like a mutual obsession to me.

The film they worked on in Tahoe had a song called Indian Love Call in it that the couple made famous.

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights

Friday, January 6, 2023


 Posted by Channel Jeffer Soares
this is what Jeff has to say:  Sweethearts is a 1938 Technicolor musical romance...  The screenplay by Dorothy Parker and Alan Campbell, uses the 'play within a play" device... This was the first color film for Nelson of Jeanette.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023



(1903-1965) and (1901-1967)


The heartbreaking story of Golden Hollywood Era legends Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy is included here at Mistress Manifesto, not because Jeannette was Kept by Nelson or Nelson was Kept by Jeanette; who knows what, if any, financial arrangements in this convoluted plot were. It's because these two people, who had so much going on between them personally, also portrayed romantic couples on screen, married others and stayed married to them - as if everyone had to be married to someone - but were each other's real sweethearts for 30 (thirty!) years. 

While claiming platonic friendship and a good working relationship only, they both lived compromised lives in which everyone involved came to accept the limitations. No doubt about it, they committed adultery. How much choice did they have? Little is known about how Nelson and his wife got on but they never had children. However, the man Jeanette married, Gene Raymond, was not heterosexual and there is no reason to think they had sex - other than her many pregnancies - which are attributed to Nelson. Sadly, though pregnant eight times, each pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage.

Author Sharon Rich, who headed a Jeanette MacDonald fan club, made it her life's work to learn everything she could about the singing comedic actress who she had such admiration for. Her book was meticulously researched and the intent was to bring us the whole truth. The title of the book could have been, in my opinion, "Jeanette MacDonald : Victim of Louis B. Mayer."

Their chemistry on screen was undeniable, the songs they sang together romantic and memorable, but the enduring love story of Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy is actually a tragic tale, and the megalomaniac monster in the middle was the infamous Louis B. Mayer,  the producer of films and the co-founder, in 1924, of film studio MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer). By his actions it is clear that he owned people and not just their labor. When a person signed a contract with his studio, they gave up control of their lives, personal and public. 

I wonder why there had not been more rebellion back in the day. I'm going to make a judgement call and say that back in the day people were raised to obey authority figures and that most everyone needs a job. But these two had amazing careers to consider.

Jeanette MacDonald appeared on Broadway and had signed with another studio and then switched again. In 1933 she signed her contract with MGM.

MacDonald and Eddy were at the height of their individual and coupled fame during the Great Depression, and made eight films together, between 1935 and 1942. Their films that made millions for MGM. Their fans would go to see their films repeatedly, taken with their beauty, their duets, their chemistry. Each of them had solo singing careers as well. Their concerts as well as their films were mega-hits. Jeanette was a soprano with an almost three octave range. Baritone Nelson Eddy was the highest paid singer in the world for a good decade.

So called 'morals clauses' in film studio contracts were about keeping the public from perceiving the reality of private lives. Discretion was strongly advised when it came to unconventional sexuality and relationships. The American public was church-going and did not approve of divorce so stars had to appear to be heterosexual and faithfully married. For those who signed the studio contract and who were disobedient, there was punishment, anything from from being forced to agree to abortions to being totally ruined. Not for nothing that phrase, "You'll never work in this town again." Mayer and people who worked for him or feared him stayed in line. Jeanette and Nelson settled into their relationship with many in the business in the know and protecting them - providing sympathy and understanding - except for Mayer

Yet, Jeanette and Nelson were compelled to be with each other, and perhaps being told no, the on and off again nature of their embroilment, created a mutual obsession.

We've probably all known - or been - people who got embroiled in a relationship that they seem to live for or that kept them living. That seems to be the case here.

The two operatic singer-actors met in 1933, and may have had some involvement before they met again to work together in 1935  It was love at first sight, at least for him. She was considered cold or prudish by many though she was not. He wooed her, with  jewelry, with flowers delivered on a daily basis, and intense flirtations.  

Nelson asked Jeanette to marry him before either of them were married to someone else but she referenced her career. He asked many times. She told friends that she did not want an Open marriage and did not trust what he might do when on long concert tours. She also said that she did not believe she could guarantee anyone that her love would last the years. Yet it apparently did.

It took a year for the relationship to go all the way sexually. Maybe longer. She had a past and was no virgin. Their first encounter may have been date rape. He apologized and did much better next time, gaining her forgiveness. There would come a point where she would say she had tired of his 'sex attacks.'  While there may have been times when they tried to reconfigure their relationship - to platonic friendship - to just lust - it endured for life and through eight miscarriages.  

She got pregnant that first time. He wanted to get married in Reno right away but she called Mayer. She had to ask his permission to marry, have a child, or divorce.  He was livid and demanded she abort and break up with Nelson.*  

The battle between Mayer and Eddy would go on for years. 

About half way through the book called, Sweethearts, which is the primary reference for this month's posts, when I was on the part about Jeanette's second pregnancy, I had to take a break. 
Was this what I was looking for in a subject for this blog? I had never heard of MacDonald or Nelson or knew nothing about them on screen or off. I did not know that she was once the most famous and successful star in Hollywood. I wanted to understand why someone so famous, who I imagine would have many men interested in her, stayed with men who were not right for her. If a woman with such beauty and talent and who has earned some very good money stays with a man who is wrong, what about all of those women who do not have those advantages?  Perhaps Jeanette wanted to be a role model to the public even if it meant living a lieSo I watched videos on YouTube. I listened to these talents singing, heard their impressive voices, did more research. 

As personalities, she and Nelson may have liked drama, high highs and low lows and she may have been provocative. suspect she was addicted to being on an emotional roller-coaster, as was Eddy. But there is more to it. That more may just have been true love.

Still, no doubt in my mind, Jeanette MacDonald, for all her red-headed beauty, her verve, her talent as a singer and comedic actress, was an abused woman. Physically, emotionally, psychologically, and not by just one person. Though she projected happiness in public, that was sometimes good acting - even excellent acting.  She was considered a perfectionist on the set, demanding of herself and a total pro, yet she did not take care to control her fertility. Contraception was available.

Just to start their relationship with complications, Jeanette admitted to Nelson early on that she was having sex with Mayer. Her mother even thought that she was Mayer's mistress. It's claimed that Meyer actually loved her, though he expected sex from any woman who wanted to become a film star. We can say that he abused her personally by giving her little to no choice and she was not the first or last to experience such interference.  

What's more, the man that she married instead of Nelson was homosexual. There is a suggestion here that Jeanette was abused by Nelson Eddy before and after her marriage to this husband. Her husband was also abusive to her. Perhaps not every day or for years on end, but when the relationships were down.

In 1942, both stars were finally free of MGM contracts.  Times were changing. New talent emerged.  However, the two performed together on radio and eventually Jeanette returned to MGM and did two more films - but without Nelson. The couple spent more time than ever, with Nelson especially not caring who knew the truth. In 1946 he thought the honorable thing to do was to officially break with Jeanette. He threw himself into religion. Of course, they went back together again. This would be their pattern until Jeanette was too ill.

Jeanette MacDonald's health was precarious for years as a heart condition withered her away.  Nelson's sense that she was fragile from the beginning was right. Nelson was heartbroken when she died and everyone gave him sympathy but he was only a pall bearer. Her husband, for whom she had provided cover for his homosexuality for years, took charge and may have even kept Nelson from her in the end, claiming the husband's place in her last days.

Nelson didn't live a whole lot longer.

This month I'll explore the relationship between these two tragic sweethearts in more depth and perhaps we will all come to understand the nature of their thirty year romance. I've chosen some telling excerpts and will make commentary along the way.

C 2023 Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot  All Rights Reserved Including Internet and International Rights.

Mistress Manifesto BlogSpot features a number of Hollywood personalities in these posts. You can search for the word Hollywood to bring them up. 

But as I read about opera singer Jeanette MacDonald, I thought about opera singer Maria Callas. MARIA CALLAS OPERA DIVA and MISTRESS OF ARI ONASSIS was featured here in August 2010

Another person who figures into the MGM - Louis B. Mayer story is MGM "Fixer" Mannix.  You can read about him in: GEORGE REEVES : Superman and Kept Man: So What? His Lady's Husband Had a Mistress Too!  in My 2013

Monday, January 2, 2023


Hello to all my loyal readers!

I know you are, like me, anticipating the New Year here at Mistress Manifesto, a BlogSpot that I've been posting on for many more years than I ever imagined possible when I started out. We focus here on alternative relationships, in particular that of the Mistress, the person who is involved with someone who may not be completely dedicated to her the way a husband might be, which can be a form of polyamory. This exploration takes us into the study of women's lives, historically and in the now, how much has been determined by sexism, what women have had to do to and still do, in order to survive or thrive.  

I hope you will find this year as interesting as you have in the past, as I've carefully selected the People who will be featured here and feel ready to start. As always, if you know of someone I should feature, leave me a Comment with some book or article suggestions.  I do intend to be inclusive or all genders and sexualities.

I've delayed till tomorrow the beginning of my 2023 posts so that I can talk to you about the importance of being realistic. Not "positive" but realistic.

Like many of you, I became obsessed with following the coverage of the murders of the four college students in Idaho, who have had their aspirations cut short due to senseless brutality, and the manhunt that has been ongoing. A massive amount of money and manpower has been unleashed in order to find the killer or killers, including old gum shoe methods and the latest technologies, local and state police, and the FBI. Thousands of tips have come in, though in sorting through them, most have been found to be speculations. I do have my own ideas of what happened there and why.

Since November 13th, when these four murders happened, I've read hundreds of articles and watched so many videos on YouTube. By now I know which YouTube video posters will waste my time and which amateur sleuths are trying to keep it professional. I'm glad to hear that a professor is suing a Tik Toker for repetitive accusations well beyond any speculations for defaming her character. I hate the idea that strangers are accusing ANYONE and are becoming harassers and stalkers. I do trust that the experts are doing everything they can to solve this murder mystery and will perhaps with an arrest(s) prevent the person(s) from striking again.

In one of the videos in which an ex FBI investigator spoke about the possibility that the murders were committed by an INCEL, I became intrigued about these women-hating men who apparently are pro-violence to women. So, I did more research and also listened to more videos about INCELS including one video in which young women gave their opinions and ideas about why some men can't get dates or get too far in relationships.

To be honest, I was shocked and dismayed.

An INCEL is an "involuntary" celibate male.  By involuntary what is meant is that these men believe that they deserve to have sex with a woman or many women, that it is a right, but they have failed to have encounters or relationships with one or many women. These are failed seducers. They seem to think that encounters with women should always include sex. They are not complaining about sexless marriages or relationships. Therefore in their sick minds they think a woman owes them, or women in general owe them. Since they are not getting sex, they also feel the right to hate women and to do violence to them.  They are perhaps the extreme of unrealistic.

Deep into this cult, which is apparently mostly men who are bonding on the Internet, there are horrible untrue beliefs such as that women falsely accuse men of rape based on some small incident or whim. That certainly reframes the notion that women deserve to be raped and that reporting rape is bunk. Frankly, I think INCEL men are probably all mentally ill and dangerous. But I do not know a woman alive who has not been effected in some way by women-hating men, INCEL or not.

First and foremost, NOBODY OWES ANYBODY SEXNot even if you are married. 

I once read about someone who had the audacity to put into the marriage prenup that the woman had to have sex with him three times a week. I thought that was disgusting. Obviously someone who is totally unrealistic about life - how things and people change as years pass - thought up such a prenup. Making sex a DUTY. Making it an exchange of financial support, a transaction, this man made a partner, the person who he would hopefully make it through life with, a prostitute. Worse, this man was not thinking that he owed his wife a certain amount of sex as well although it is implied. (I wonder if she put in an orgasm clause!) I think nature intended a relatively short reproductive time, followed by years of nurturing and raising offspring, and then inevitable aging with infertility, menopause, and a physical inability to have sex all part of the human experience. I also suspect people who think marriage is about sex to be superficial. To lack heart.


People do have their arrangements. We hope for a compromise that satisfies all persons involved. 

So who are these INCEL men?  Are they unsuccessful with women based on looks or height like some of them think - that it's all about looks - or have they not actually done much to have a relationship?  Is it their lack of social skills or bad personalities, or are they so depressed over a failure that they talk themselves out of ever trying again? 

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP TO HAVE A WORTHWHILE LIFE!  Many people today are not interested in a traditional lifestyle and can't have one even if they are interested.  Change is upon us more rapidly than in the past. Many people are CHOOSING to be celibate. Celibacy is not a punishment. Others choose polyamory, and to be involved intimately with more than one person at a time.

Hating women is nothing new. Throughout history women have not been considered deserving of equality and only in recent decades and in the 1st world - ie the "Western" societies - have things improved a bit.  Women have been defined by their biology, their ability to bear children, and the dependency on others, especially husbands, to raise them. When it comes right down to it, to this very day, women are the ones expected to do most of the care-giving of children and parents, for instance. Contraception and Safer Sex, however, allow humans options to have sex without bearing children or being defined by gender or wracked with diseases that used to kill us.

There is more opportunity for women to also go to college, get educations, and have careers, than ever before.  Exactly what the three women who were murdered slightly off campus re the University of Idaho were doing. I will not say, however, that women go unpunished when employed for "taking time off" such as to have babies and care for them for at least a few years until nursery.  A woman who wants to have a more traditional life will have to partner with another person who can earn enough to support them all. Women are exploring independence and by becoming self supporting can choose marriage rather than be forced into it by society or family.

Where we're at is that a majority of women, even those married to responsible men who are mothers, also have to work for money. Gone are the days in which a woman could live with her parents until marriage and then be a stay-at-home wife and mother who never had to be employed for money and self-supporting. Some men have become snobs about the women they will date or marry, also seeking women who can "take care" of them by financially supporting them, or bringing in a second high income, so the pressure on women to be beautiful, fit, educated, and high earners is also on. Yes, some companies allow new fathers time off to bond with their babies. Some unmarried people adopt or have babies without partners... 

Think about it.  Your life - your friends - what options did they have or do they have?

A lot of babies - up to half in some parts of the United States - are being born to women who have not married and have in fact been abandoned by men, which is an epidemic. These women have the government as their husbands, depending on social services and programs. So there's that.  Men who have sex, feel they have that right, and are irresponsible. These are men who apparently did have sex, but did not or cannot love.

There is a relationship between an INCEL and a stalker, in my opinion. That is because stalkers often invent relationships that do not exist in their minds, create a whole fantasy world, and the subject of their intent interest is often unaware of it. She thinks he is a see-ya-around friend, and is startled to discover that the mystery bouquet of flowers was from him. They broke up but he has not given up. He takes her politeness or being nice to mean way more than it does. He does not hear it or see it or understand it, when she is not interested, though she's with someone else.  This is obsession.  It is not love.

I do think that some INCELS can get out and away from their cult, their mindset, though I suspect porn addiction and Internet addiction as part of the problem. So if you are an INCEL or simply hate women, I suggest that you get into therapy with a psychologist (i.e. not an MFCC) if possible. Figure it out. Don't let your entire life be messed up over your mother, your first girlfriend, someone who molested you, or someone you're obsessed with who really doesn't know you.  Also, consider the possibility that by hatred of women and non-involvement with women what's really going on is that you are not attracted to women, that it's an excuse. (I once had a friend who had no problem meeting women or asking them out, who over the years met a hundred women or more, some of whom were very interested in him, but he always found fault, saying he was just not attracted "enough" and I finally got it, if he did not, that he was gay.)

Here is my best advice at the moment for those of you who feel or are alone in this life without wanting to be. Perhaps these can become New Year's Resolutions.

Get out thereIn person. You're shy.  Introverted. So what?  If you think shy people or introverted people are all isolated or never have relationships, you're wrong. Shy and introverted people who are not always blaring their opinions are sometimes thought of as blessed relief. If you have no one to go and do things with, still go.  Get to the museum, the art gallery opening, the cool coffee house, or the library.  Take yourself out for dinner. Be among other human beings, even if it is simply to observe or do your own thing. Make some idle chit chat. We all have to find our niche and, as we change, find new niches. For some of you, it will be a church or spiritual search that becomes important. 

Make your lists, then throw them out.  Many of us have had the experience of determining who Mr. or Mrs. Right might be and write lists. On-line dating can be about matching the lists. However, chemistry or attraction is nature's wild card. When we get out there we sometimes find that the person we're attracted to is off-list.

Beware the Dating Site Lurker.  While useful, much depends on how you go about it. Use one fairly recent image (from the last six months) that shows you at your best, but not doctored up. After a few e-mails or other e-communications, either meet or give it up. But beware of what I call the Dating Site Lurker, someone who basically is not sincere and is wasting people's time or waiting for them to make all the effort. Women, I've met the man who is on several such sites with alert coming to his phone from women who he seduces, and then openly evaluates, and what's really sad is that some of these women tell him they only want sex, when that is not true, but it gives him the free pass. It's better to get out there and meet people in person from the start.

Consider friendship first. The now classic film When Harry Met Sally, has been elected to be preserved because of it's cultural context.  Not all friendships can or do turn into romances, but some do.  For those who are shy or slower about intimate relationships, getting to know a person as a friend first can make the difference between partnering or not.

Upgrade your Image. Men who are shorter, balder, or otherwise for some reason evaluate themselves as unattractive should, as women should, present their best selves. People evaluate based on what they think you CAN do, and what you CANNOT. To be honest, the thing they think you CAN do is be at a good weight. However, the thing that I've noticed men do when they go against themselves, is decide that they deserve a woman who is much better looking than they are. If you have weight, well, a woman with weight also is probably a better match.  And so on. The other thing you can do that can make a difference is to be sure you are neat and clean and dressed well enough. So get rid of the worn down shoes, the broken eye-glasses, the ground-in-dirt pants, and if you wear a uniform to work, don't wear it when you go out socially.  

Don't Loose Yourself in the Party.

Time to get off booze or drugs, even for "recreation."  With the exception of medical marijuana (where legal) and moderate to little consumption of alcohol - with meals - avoiding life, including the stress and pain of life, in such unhealthy ways, will do you no good. A high percentage of those involved in the Greek Life become addicts and alcoholics. I have no way of knowing if those who were murdered were addicts or alcoholics but I suspect it because Greek Life and Party Houses are known for these behaviors that are, to me, immature and Overall Not Safe behavior and sometimes include rape and Unsafe sexual behavior. Videos of the "kids" (no they were adults who apparently held jobs and did well in classes) possibly stumbling around at the food truck after a night of drinking at the bar, reports that sororities and frats were on probation for booze, alcohol, and HAZING violations, also make me wonder.

As for the Idaho Four...

It is not enough to have a friend along with you when you party, unfortunately. It must be someone who will stay straight, do the driving, get you both home safely, lock up.

Allowing parties at your house when you are not home is also Unsafe behavior, as is allowing people to have the code to front door or bedroom door locks.  (The Manson murderers broke into and made themselves at home at other residences before they murdered.) 

I also feel that posting photos of yourself, especially sexy images, on the Internet is not a good idea. At best, turn the options to private and limit these to your family and closest friends. You do not need to prove to the world constantly that you are beautiful or having fun. Create a system in which people you trust will know where you are and with whom without feeling that you have to report in or always ask permission.

Kaylee's known for calling people at all hours, even middle of the night, over trivial things, like what she should cook?  Did I get that right? Did her sister say that?

Well, this is not adult behavior. Adult behavior is that you consider that other people may need their sleep, have to get up for work, classes the next day, tests, or other responsibilities. It's childish, demanding, and needy, behavior.

What keeps a person immature?  According to A.A. members, the time you spend on drugs or booze is time not spent maturing.

Not a one of the Idaho Four deserved to be murdered.  Nor do we wish to live in a society in which evil lurks and insane people go bezerker on the innocent. I truly hope that the murder(s) are caught and convicted.

With that, an especially sobering message I realize, I do wish all of you prosperity and peace.


March 2023  I very slightly edited this post and re-read it.  I stick with my viewpoint and my advice.

Sunday, January 1, 2023